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Beginning in 2025, there will be exciting, dedicated “Fill the Jar” campaigns for churches to actively participate in as we collectively accomplish major initiatives for economic justice.
You will be able to sign up and set your goals for the inaugural campaign later in 2024!
In the meantime, in this volatile election year, the UCC provides several avenues to stay informed and take action for economic justice.

- Advocate for justice on a number of important issues for people of faith and conscience.
- Throughout 2024, the UCC will be releasing resources on a variety of topics important to voters, including economic justice issues. Check back soon as these resources become available.
- Plug into “Our Faith, Our Vote”! “Our Faith, Our Vote” is the UCC’s election-year platform for staying informed, engaged, and active for collective change.
- Whatever year it is, it’s always a good time to for churches to develop our organizing skills for sustained, measurable justice. If you’d like to learn more, visit our Commit page!
- Economic Justice starts at home – what steps can you take in 2024 to manifest more equity *within* your congregation? Some questions for how you can begin can be found on our Transform page!
Have more questions on how to get active? Please reach out to Minister for Economic Justice Rev. Seth Wispelwey!