Strengthen the Church

Offering Date: Pentecost Sunday, June 8th, 2025
The Strengthen the Church (STC) Offering reflects the shared commitment of people across the United Church of Christ to cooperatively build up the UCC. Conferences and the national setting equally share the gifts given by members and friends through their local congregations. The funds raised support leadership development, new churches, youth ministry, and innovation in existing congregations. By your generosity to this offering, you build up the Body of Christ.
As God calls our congregations to be the church in new ways, your generosity will plant new churches, awaken new ideas in existing churches and develop the spiritual life in our youth and young adults. Contributions can be made online at any time here.

The 2025 theme for Strengthen the Church is Great and Wide. This phrase, from Psalm 104, represents the diverse and playful nature of the multitude of ministries the offering supports. Whether the offering supports an outdoor worshipping community in Wisconsin or the National Ministries MESA team who builds systems to connect pastors and congregations, the movement of God is apparent.

Questions? Contact UCC.
Rachel McDonald
Generosity Officer, Our Church’s Wider Mission and Special Offerings