Installation of the 10th General Minister and President
Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia A. Thompson

The United Church of Christ Board is pleased to share news of the installation of our 10th General Minister and President, The Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia A. Thompson. The Installation Service took place on Friday, October 20th, 2023 at Lakewood Congregational Church in Lakewood, Ohio where the Rev. Joanna D’Agostino serves as Senior Pastor. The video of the service and video highlights can be viewed on this page.
Rev. Thompson was elected General Minister and President at the 34th General Synod on July 3, 2023 in Indianapolis, IN, and took office on August 1. Rev. Thompson is the first woman to serve as General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ.
Watch the Installation Service

Video Highlights from the Installation
Get to Know the GMP
On Thursday, July 27, 2023, Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia A. Thompson joined Rev. Tracy Howe for a special edition of Nurture the Soul where she shared what formed her life, faith, hopes, and vision for the UCC. Watch it below.