gOD-Talk: A Black Millennials and Faith Conversation

gOD-Talk: A Black Millennials and Faith Conversation

Millennials are finding and creating new spaces to have different kinds of conversations that are not offered in traditional religious contexts. gOD-Talk is a groundbreaking project spearheaded by the National Museum of African American History and Culture’s Center for the Study of African American Religious Life in association with Pew Research Center which seeks to: Uncover how millennials interact with religion and the transformative nature of community, the internet, and space.

Amplify leading millennial voices including activists, entertainers, entrepreneurs, athletes, academicians, religious leaders, and politicians by creating a space for their experiences to be shared and documented. Create an opportunity for religious organizations and leaders, researchers, and engaged citizens to better understand the dynamic ways Black millennials engage with religion.

By using a lower case “g” for the word “gOD’ we are highlighting the ways in which this project will “transgress” traditional boundaries and literal designations of that which is considered scared.

millennial-header2.jpgMillennials for Racial Justice is a monthly reflection of stories at the intersections of gender, race, and sexual orientation among others. This page will include social analysis, liberation strategies, strategies to dismantle white supremacy, and biblical narratives inclusive of theologies of liberation and Womanism.

Our purpose for this page is to highlight issues and concerns of Millennials, providing a platform to address the Christian Church from our lived experiences, and speak truth as we live it because we have something powerful to say.

The Millennial voices featured on this site will:

  • Critique the status quo and call the Christian church into question for its binary and traditional ways of talking about the social constructions of race and gender.
  • Analyze and critique government policies which are devastating black and brown communities
  • Provide helpful strategies for community engagement and organizing in order to address being profiled, vilified, and called out for protesting in the streets.

The Church will be a better place because Millennials are leading movements now. We are the social activists and public theologians of the Christian church.  We are equipped to change the narratives of colonial-based structures and traditions that silence and shut down a more radical engagement as to why Black Lives and LGBTQIA lives matter. We are Millennials for Racial Justice and our thoughtful expressions will provide words of healing, hope, and wholeness as the body of Christ in a troubled world.

Categories: Column Millennials for Racial Justice

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