Interfaith clergy speak out for love, justice, and the ‘holy work ahead’: Video highlights

When a group of United Church of Christ and interfaith clergy and people of faith gathered in Memphis on the evening of Jan. 20, they shared energy and visions to remain rooted in love, justice, and inclusion in the coming days.

Video highlights from the “For Such a Time as This” worship and mass meeting event are now available, capturing the music and words of a multitude of speakers who represent local, national, and international faith organizations from multiple religious traditions.

Watch video highlights of the interfaith worship service and mass meeting “For Such a Time as This.”

Inclusive Visions

A video of United Church of Christ General Minister and President the Rev. Karen Georgia Thompson’s speech is also available for viewing.

In the 15-minute video, she depicts the harmful narratives put forth in the Jan. 20 presidential inauguration and instead encourages commitment to inclusive visions for the future.

“An inclusive vision is one that pays attention to who is left out, to those whose rights are being trampled, and provides the advocacy and solidarity needed to bring about changes that provide civil and human rights. Illusions of a colorblind and merit-based society ignore the inequities and inequalities that ensure those who hold privilege will continue to do so,” Thompson said.

Watch General Minister and President Rev. Karen Georgia Thompson’s speech at “For Such a Time as This” on Jan. 20.

Messages to view and share

Several shorter videos from the event are available through UCC social media, including Thompson’s call to “work at the intersection of the issues that prevail” and Thompson reading her poem “Complicit,” which she wrote years earlier and deemed fitting for this time.

“The world needs your voice to speak, while others weep. Silence is for those who sleep,” the poem says.

Churches, faith groups, and individuals are invited and encouraged to view and share all of these videos.

Find news coverage of “For Such a Time as This” here, and watch the full “For Such a Time as This” worship service and mass meeting here.

Content on is copyrighted by the National Setting of the United Church of Christ and may be only shared according to the guidelines outlined here.

Categories: United Church of Christ News

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