Journey Toward Hope – Worship Resources
To accompany the Ash Wednesday release of the United Church of Christ’s report entitled “Breath to the People”: Sacred Air and Toxic Pollution, six environmental justice leaders in the United Church of Christ have authored reflections to help preachers connect the contents of the report to each Sunday in Lent. The overarching theme for these reflections is Journey Toward Hope.
A new liturgical resource called Living Psalms for Creation Justice complements these sermon seeds. These are Psalms in the form of words and art that are reborn in the specific contexts of our world, privileging the voices of historically marginalized communities and those acting in solidarity with them.
A Living Psalm: A Lenten Confession for the Healing of Nature
A Living Psalm for the First Sunday of Lent
A Living Psalm for the Second Sunday of Lent
A Living Psalm for the Third Sunday of Lent
A Living Psalm for the Fifth Sunday of Lent – ©2020 Erin Beardemphl. Permission granted to local congregations for use in worship or educational settings. Please cite artist and Worship Ways.
A Living Psalm for Maundy Thursday
A Living Psalm for the Ritual of Palms
A Living Psalm for Passion Sunday