JPANet November 2024 Newsletter

Each month we unpack the complex justice issues that we’re working on. This month, the Washington D.C. Office reflects on the election results, finding space for grief, and our unchanging mission to work towards a just world for all.

“But while our political landscape has undoubtably shifted, our mission and work remain unchanged. No matter who is in power, we will continue to follow the way of love every day. We will counter all efforts to strip reproductive rights, deport immigrants, and dehumanize the LGBTQ+ community. We will stand up with our family, friends, and neighbors for environmental justice, racial justice, and economic justice. We will fight for the dignity and wellbeing of our siblings abroad. We will continue to be courageous, creative, and collaborative in living out the hope of the gospel in the public square.” 

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Justice in Action

Reflections on U.S. Presidential Election – Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia Thompson

Reflections on U.S. Presidential Election – Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia Thompson

Watch the message from Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia A. Thompson, GMP of the United Church of Christ, inviting us to pause, pray, and prepare to live love boldly as we process the election outcomes.

“No outcome of the election would deter us from our quest for justice. As people of faith and followers of Jesus, our values and our commitments are not changed by the politics of the day. We remain called to be advocates for justice and to find ourselves providing solidarity with those whose voices have been silenced, those who find themselves living on the margins of our society, and those whose rights are threatened among us.” 

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Election Day Prayer Service & Vigil

Election Day Prayer Service & Vigil

On November 5th, Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia A. Thompson and UCC leaders from across the nation joined together for for a non-partisan election day prayer service and vigil. Prayers and intentions collected from across the UCC were read and woven together with music and prayers from UCC leaders. The recording is available for all.

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UCC churches counter Christian Nationalism with social media project: Sharing stories of Christian love

UCC churches counter Christian Nationalism with social media project: Sharing stories of Christian love

UCC Norwell is one of three United Church of Christ congregations collaborating in THIS Is Christianity, a social media project countering the rise of Christian Nationalism and “reclaiming Christianity as a movement of love,” said Walt, by sharing stories of that love — and inclusion — in action.

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‘Blessed Are the Drag Queens’: Oregon church event celebrates love and acceptance

‘Blessed Are the Drag Queens’: Oregon church event celebrates love and acceptance

Amid harmful anti-trans and nonbinary legislation and political messaging, Bridgeport United Church of Christ set out to send a message of inclusivity. The Portland, Oregon, church hosted a Blessed Are the Drag Queens brunch and fundraiser on Oct. 19, designed to draw attention to spreading love and acceptance. The well-attended event offered a brunch buffet, raffle, Blessed Are the Drag Queens t-shirts, and performance by Poison Waters and friends – all to raise funds for the congregation’s community partnerships.

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Keep Hope Alive: Call on the US Congress to Block Sales of Military Aid to Israel 

Keep Hope Alive: Call on the US Congress to Block Sales of Military Aid to Israel 

Thank you to all those who contributed to the Keep Hope Alive Olive Tree Campaign 2024, raising money to provide olive trees to Palestinian Farmers in the West Bank who have been subject to settler violence. While our week of programming ended, the opportunity to participate has not. We encourage you to continue to take action with your voice, your money, and your time.

In addition to donating, there is opportunity to take direct action. Since last October, the US reportedly has spent $17.9 billion on military aid for Israel. This includes US-made planes, missiles, & other weaponry used to destroy lives & communities. As people of faith, we find this immoral and unacceptable. Tell Congress to block sales of military aid to Israel now!

Take Action Here!

Christian Zionism In Our Churches: Webinar Recording

Christian Zionism In Our Churches: Webinar Recording

Over the past century, Christian Zionism has been used to justify first the immigration of Jews to Palestine and then, with the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, justification for the unquestioning support of Israeli policies of occupation and apartheid. But what is Christian Zionism? How does it appear in our churches? What are some different lenses we can use to examine the scriptures that underpin it?

Watch the recording of Rev. Dr. Donald Wagner, retired Presbyterian pastor and theologian, and Rev. William T. Young IV, pastor of Covenant Baptist United Church of Christ, sharing with us how they unpack and challenge Christian Zionism in their contexts.

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The Cool Congregations Challenge

The Cool Congregations Challenge

The Cool Congregations Challenge is an annual national contest to recognize congregations that are becoming energy efficient and sustainable role models. The contest is conducted by Interfaith Power & Light. The deadline for entries is December 15th, and the prize for each category is $1,000. Categories range from renewable energy to stewarding sacred grounds. Learn more and apply.

Learn More Here

Join the Movement’s Abolition Advent Calendar Explores Harm Reduction as a Practice of Advent Preparation

Join the Movement’s Abolition Advent Calendar Explores Harm Reduction as a Practice of Advent Preparation

The days are surely coming, says the Holy One, when I will fulfill the promise I made to…execute justice and righteousness in the land.  – Jeremiah 33:14-15

This coming Advent, Join the Movement will be offering our third annual Abolition Advent Calendar, featuring reflections offered in daily emails and social media posts throughout the season.  This year, our theme is “The Days Are Surely Coming: Reducing Harm, Preparing the Way.”  As we await and prepare for the birth of transformational Love in flesh and bone, we invite you to make this Advent journey with us, grounding ourselves in the hope that the freedom-bringing work of harm reduction can prepare the way for a new day of love and justice that is surely coming. 

Sign up to receive daily emails in Advent here or access the reflections online here.

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Our Economic Leverage: Webinar Recording

Our Economic Leverage: Webinar Recording

How can we effectively use boycotts and other economic measures to ensure our personal money and our church’s money is being spent in a way that aligns with our faith values? How can we leverage our resources to offer solidarity to Palestinian partners for the long term?

In this recorded webinar, we heard from two colleagues who are directly engaged in how to align our investments with our values and what questions to ask about your own investments.

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Justice Events

November 13th & 20th: Breaking the Chains: A 2-day Virtual Summit

November 13th & 20th: Breaking the Chains: A 2-day Virtual Summit

Join us as we participate in rich dialogue and intentional learning on Gender & Sexual Based Violence through the lens of Thursdays in Black! Together, we’ll learn how to partner in Breaking the Chains of gender and sexual based violence through deconstructing biblical narratives, testimony in action, social media’s influence on youth and ways to engage in violence prevention and anti-trafficking work.

Register Here

November 13th: Webinar on International Climate Debt

November 13th: Webinar on International Climate Debt

Developing nations are saddled with crushing debt payments that impede climate action, while wealthy nations fail to address the moral debt owed by creating the present crisis. In this webinar, we will focus on the enormous moral and financial issues at stake with an international line-up of speakers. Even if you cannot join us at the scheduled time on November 13th at 1 pm ET, still sign-up, and we will send you a recording. Register today!

 Register Here

November 16th: Ecumenical Climate Ambassador Training

November 16th: Ecumenical Climate Ambassador Training

On November 16th, Blessed Tomorrow and a range of denominations will offer a training that will equip attendees on understanding the climate crisis through a faith lens while considering its impacts and how we can advance solutions. Attention will be given to how to best communicate with others and become engaged in taking action. Register now.

Register Here!

Congregation and Community Engagement Opportunities

Congregation and Community Engagement Opportunities

At the National Ministry setting we are blessed to have so many partners help to live into our still speaking G-d. Please check out the following ecosystem of partners who are offering wonderful opportunities!

People’s Prayers for Peace

People’s Prayers for Peace

The UCC has issued an open invitation for people to offer a prayer to end violence in any manifestation, and to bring about peace. Share your prayers using the  People’s Prayers for Peace form 

Share Your Prayers Here

Justice Resources

DC Action Center

Each week, the D.C. Office creates an action alert based on what is happening at that time in Congress and offers you the opportunity to contact your legislators with just one click! For the month of August 2024 we will be pausing our weekly action alerts, but will resume in September. In the meantime, you can take action with our previous action alerts here.

The Pollinator

The Pollinator is a digital platform of the UCC for the sharing of ideas and inspiration. Its focus is the building of a faith-filled and faith-rooted movement for the care of creation.

Witness for Justice

Looking for up-to-date social justice commentary? Check out Witness for Justice, a weekly editorial opinion column written by the National Staff.

Our Faith Our Vote Blog 
Our Faith, Our Vote is an ongoing commitment to equip you with the tools for nonpartisan faithful engagement in our democratic process. The 2024 Our Faith Our Vote campaign asks the church to answer the call of 1 John 3:18 to “let us not love with words or speech, but in action and in truth,” by “voting with love.” Learn more here to find GOTV resources, weekly blog posts, and issue based educational resources.  


Categories: Justice & Peace Action Network Monthly Newsletter

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