JPANet March 2020 Newsletter

March Newsletter

Getting to the Root of It

Getting to the Root of It

March is Women’s History Month. In honor of this month, we asked Brenda Joyner and Loey Powell, both called by the Rev.Traci Blackmon to act as consultants to a Women’s Table, to connect this month to our faith and to the UCC’s history of advocacy for women.  

Intersectional Approaches to Gender Justice Too Long Delayed

It is very early in the 2020 election season but already we are seeing that women are turning out to vote in significant numbers. This is a good sign for the country because the issues that women care about, the everyday issues that affect the quality of women’s lives in this country, can be the issues that will make a difference in deciding which candidates are elected in local, state and national races. (Read more).

Justice Events

International Women’s Day – March 8

International Women’s Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. It is a day when women are recognized for their achievements without regard to national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political divisions. Join Global Ministries in lifting up women and recognizing International Women’s Day. Find resources here.

World Water Day – March 22

Over 1 billion people in the world lack sustainable access to fresh water. Water is a vital ingredient for life. It is a gift from God for all creation and should be viewed as such a gift, not a commodity for profitable gain. Join Global Ministries in recognizing World Water Day. Find worship and partner resources here.

Save the Date for Ecumenical Advocacy Days – April 24-27

Around the world, the marginalized communities are experiencing the impacts of the climate crisis most profoundly. Women and children in these communities suffer the most along with all those who are disproportionately affected by hunger, poverty, and the structural history of colonialism and racism. EAD 2020 will focus on this intersection between climate change and economic injustice as together we gather to “Imagine, God’s Earth and People Restored!” Join us at EAD 2020 and plan to join a UCC pre-event on Friday April 24th. Also, read our Justice and Peace Policy Fellow, Madison Mayhew’s, personal appeal to EAD 2020.

Refugee Council USA Advocacy Days

To protect and restore refugee resettlement, Refugee Council USA Advocacy Days will be taking place in Washington DC, April 28-29, 2020. If you are in a priority districts, please consider joining, sign up here by March 13th. The administrations attempt to block asylum at the Southern border through the “Remain in Mexico” policy was found unconstitutional by the Ninth Circuit court on February 28th, see IIC statement on the decision.

Justice in Action

Immigration Updates

If you are an Immigrant Welcoming, Sanctuary congregations or accompanying an asylum seeker please register you work here with the UCC National Collaborative on Immigration so we can better map out our work as a denomination.

The Supreme Court will rule on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) this Spring, see Interfaith Immigration Coalition (IIC) Lenten Resource on DACA.

March 17, 2020 will mark the 40th anniversary of the Refugee Act of 1980 that put in place our modern refugee resettlement and asylum programs. If you would like to host a vigil or event to celebrate refugees see toolkit for action here. 

Our Whole Lives Newsletter Launching!

Wondering about Our Whole Lives/Sexuality and Our Faith? Want to know what’s new? Looking for resources? Want a faith connection to this work? Want to keep in touch?

Sign up now for our NEW Our Whole Lives newsletter!

  • Open to everyone!
  • Launches mid-February!
  • Quarterly + not spammy!
  • Sign up HERE!

A Call for an All-Out Mobilization of Churches to Address Climate and Inequality

In recognition of the urgent need to address the intertwined crisis of climate and inequality, the UCC Council for Climate Justice began the year by issuing a call for an all-out mobilization of churches over the next ten years. For each of the first ten weeks of this year, the council is suggesting an action for churches to take. Check them out here!

Use your Voice: Our Faith Our Vote in 2020

We are right in the midst of a pivotal election year. The challenges before our communities, our nation and our world are as urgent as ever, and require our prayerful and faithful engagement. The UCC Our Faith, Our Vote, Our Voice campaign offers resources to help congregations engage the electoral process in a meaningful, nonpartisan way, through voter education, issue education and voter empowerment and mobilization:  

We are looking forward to a strong and robust Our Faith Our Vote campaign in 2020, expanding our resource offerings and offering opportunities for engagement and action on many levels. To keep to up to date with the 2020 Our Faith Our Vote campaign, sign up for the UCC 2020 Our Faith Our Vote listserv to receive updates on new resources, webinars and ways to engage your congregation and community in this challenging election year.

“Breath to the People: Sacred Air and Toxic Pollution” A Report

At a press conference in Washington D.C. on February 26, 2020 the UCC released a report highlighting 100 air polluting facilities in populated areas across the U.S. With the report, a website was launched featuring the report, an advocacy toolkit, and an interactive map where you can view the polluters in your area. Check it out here! With one click, you can also contact your legislators to tell them to protect vulnerable populations from toxic air pollution.

Justice Resources

The Pollinator

The Pollinator is a digital platform of the UCC for the sharing of ideas and inspiration. Its focus is the building of a faith-filled and faith-rooted movement for the care of creation

Witness for Justice
Looking for up-to-date social justice commentary? Check out Witness for Justice, a weekly editorial opinion column written by the staff of Justice and Witness Ministries.

Featured topics:

My Civil Rights Excursion | Everyone Counts! | Heaven on Earth | The Witness for Justice Begins at Home

Categories: Column Justice & Peace Action Network Monthly Newsletter

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