JPANet September 2018 Newsletter

Getting to the Root of It

Getting to the Root of It

We’ve asked UCC advocates to help us unpack the complex justice issues that we’re working on. This month Rev. Michael Neuroth, our UCC International Policy Advocate, explores the connection between our call to work for peace with justice and our advocacy for just immigration policies.

A Just Peace Call to Address Root Causes of Immigration
Rev. Michael Neuroth
September 16th, many United Church of Christ congregations will mark “Just Peace” Sunday under the theme “Wisdom Cries Out!” The theme is based on the lectionary passage for that Sunday, Proverbs 1:20-33This image of the Spirit crying out for justice at the city gates offers a call to action at a time when images of children tragically being separated from families at the border remain etched in our minds and hearts. Our Just Peace identity as a church challenges us to work for justice in a holistic way, and so we must address immigration not only at our border, but also examine the broader systemic push factors that impact our neighbors in Central America. (Read more.)

Justice Events
Just Peace Sunday

Reminder: Join us at the Climate March on Saturday!
The UCC Council for Climate Justice is co-sponsoring the Rise for Climate marches taking place across the country on or near September 8th. There is a sign-up page for those who would like to join the UCC-Disciples of Christ contingent in San Francisco where the largest march is scheduled to occur. There is also a graphic image for a sign that you can download and print to take to a march near you.

The 6th Annual HBCU Climate Change Conference
The UCC Environmental Justice Ministry and the Deep South Center for Environmental Justice will be co-convening the 6th Annual HBCU Climate Change conference in New Orleans from September 20-23. The conference is an exciting opportunity to learn from veteran keynote speakers in the environmental justice movement as well as students from Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

Just Peace Sunday – September 16
This year, Just Peace Sunday will focus on the theme “Wisdom Cries Out!” based on the lectionary passage, Proverbs 1:20-33. Worship, learning, and craft materials are available online making connections between our witness as a Just Peace Church and our particular concern at this time for those migrants fleeing violence at our border. Join us in marking September 16th as Just Peace Sunday!

International Day of Peace – September 21
Join Global Ministries in celebration of International Day of Peace on September 21. There will be a webinar with Martin Nates, the new executive director of Justapaz (the Mennonite Center for Peace, Justice and Nonviolent Action), which will focus on Peace, Justice and Reconciliation in Colombia. Register for the webinar and check out these resources for celebrating International Day of Peace.

Be the Hope
Come to Franklinton Center at Bricks​ on October 11-13 for “Be the Hope,” a retreat to celebrate and share the gifts of LGBTQ people of faith. Featuring preaching and teaching by Bishop Yvette A. Flunder​, and workshops with UCC Revs. Elivette Mendez Angulo​, Robert Ochoa​ and more! Learn more and register.

The 2018 Everett C. Parker Lecture
The Everett C. Parker Lecture has been a tradition in media justice for over 30 years. The lecture and awards ceremony is sponsored by the Office of Communication, Inc. (OC, Inc.) of the United Church of Christ. This year the honorees are: Helen Brunner, founding director of the Media Democracy Fund, and Gigi B. Sohn, a Distinguished Fellow at the Georgetown Law Institute for Technology Law & Policy and Benton Senior Fellow and Public Advocate. Read the press release to learn more about this year’s honorees. Get your tickets now.

Widening The Welcome 2018 – November 1-3, 2018
UCC Disabilities Ministries and The New York Conference invite you to join Widening the Welcome 2018! The conference is built around the UCC’s vision for disability inclusion throughout the life of the United Church of Christ. Offered workshops will bring attendees enlightenment in various areas including; Accessibility & Inclusion (A2A), Resources, Advocacy, and Christian Education. Learn more and register.

Justice in Action

Sacred Conversations 2 End Racism

Sacred Conversations to End Racism (SC2ER): Facilitator Training Begins September 11, 2018

You are invited to begin a restorative justice journey with Sacred Conversations to End Racism (SC2ER). Trained facilitators are introduced to historical and contemporary resources that are developed from cultural perspectives that are African, Caribbean, African American, Asian/Pan-Asian/Pacific Islander, Latinx, Native American, and other Indigenous people groups. There are 3-training sessions during the months of September, October, and November. Sessions are 90-minutes in length via Zoom video conference.  Fill out an application today. For more information contact Rev. Dr. Velda Love, Minister for Racial Justice Justice and Local Church Ministries (216) 736-3719

Our Faith Our Vote
Voting is a natural extension of faithful action. Discover how your congregation can participate in the electoral process through faithful, nonpartisan engagement. The United Church of Christ can help with resources on civic engagement, voter registration information, issue education, and voter mobilization. This election season it is essential that people raise their voices and vote. Will you join us?

Election Season Opportunity: Phone Banking for God’s Creation
There is a non-partisan way that people of faith can make a difference this election season: phone banking. At notable rates, those who care about the environment fail to vote compared to the rest of the population. All of this can change when those who care about the environment receive a phone call or text reminding them to vote. Sign-up today to volunteer on September 18th.

Stop Ford from Lobbying for Weakened Clean Car Standards
The United Church of Christ Environmental Justice Ministry has joined with Interfaith Power & Light and United Methodist Women to rally people of faith to sign a letter calling on Ford Motor Company to stop lobbying for weakened Clean Car Standards and to instead work to build the clean, efficient cars we need. Add your name to the letter!

Join our Team!
Want to put your faith into action? We’re hiring two positions located in Cleveland, OH:

Justice Resources

Neighbors in Need 2018

Neighbors in Need
Neighbors in Need (NIN) is a special mission offering of the United Church of Christ that supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States. One-third of NIN funds support the Council for American Indian Ministry (CAIM). The remaining two-thirds support local justice initiatives throughout the UCC.

An Opportunity for Church Trailblazers
The UCC Council for Climate Justice has spearheaded the Creation Care Voter Pledge—an effort to counter the lower-voter turnout rates of those who care about God’s creation. As we approach the November elections, church trailblazers have an opportunity to demonstrate for other churches a worship service in which pledges to vote one’s values are dedicated. Contact Brooks to learn more.

Witness for Justice
Looking for up-to-date social justice commentary? Check out Witness for Justice, a weekly editorial opinion column written by the staff of Justice and Witness Ministries. 

Featured topics:

Reflections of a Womanist | Children under Environmental Threat from Administration | To counteract avoidable deaths: A spiritual awakening | Nine Reasons Why You Should Vote (and Tell Other People to Vote Too)

Categories: Column Justice & Peace Action Network Monthly Newsletter

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