Love of Church Ministries

“…But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will be filled with power, and you will be witnesses for me in Jerusalem, in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8 GNT

The Love of Church Ministries (LOC) of the United Church of Christ supports congregations and other settings of the church in doing justice, seeking peace, and building vibrant faith communities that are welcoming to all. From the National Setting in Cleveland, Ohio, Love of Church is responsible for supporting local churches with worship and faith-forming publications, resources, research and development, and education. The ministries and services of the Love of Church Ministries are central to the identity of the United Church of Christ.

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Latest News:

Poor People’s Campaign Moral March takes to the streets of Washington, D.C.

The Poor People’s Campaign Moral March was held in Washington, D.C. on June 29, attended by…

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UCC’s director of CARDD receives national award for research

The United Church of Christ’s Erica Dollhopf, director of The Center for Analytics, Research…

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Three new staffers join UCC Washington, D.C. office

The United Church of Christ’s Washington, D.C. Office of Public Policy and Advocacy recently…

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Love of Church Ministry Departments


Learn more about the UCC’s stance on immigration, how to support congregations with people claiming sanctuary, and other ways to take action.

Enviromental Justice

Learn more about the Creation Justice Church program, Earth Day resources, our newsletter, webinars, the UCC Council for Climate Justice, and more.

Racial Justice / Join The Movement

Learn more and join our bold conversations, direct social activism, and disruption of racist systems and structures.


Learn more about our work to ensure that church and society reduces the stigma faced by those living with disabilities and mental health challenges.


Learn more about our mission to ensure humanity’s thriving and sustain an equitable world through Jubilee, Abundance, and Reparations.


Learn more about books to nurture spiritual growth, cultivate religious leadership, and more.


Learn more about how CARDD uses data, information, and trends in order to illuminate the past, realize the present, and envision the future of the UCC.


Learn more about FaithINFO’s work is to support congregations in the programmatic, visionary, and strategic work in inter-generational community.


Learn more about how MESA supports denominational polity for authorized ministry, especially for equipping the Committees on Ministry.

Questions? Contact LOC.

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