Love is Louder

LGBTQIA+ siblings know intimately the nature of being deemed an outcast. The clarion call for LGBTQIA+ advocacy is reverberating from state capitol rotundas, family dinner tables, city streets, and church pews.

With more than 547 anti-LGBTQIA+ bills in this year’s (2024) legislative session, our proactive response, now more than ever, needs to be love OUT LOUD.

Love is Louder: Love Your Neighbor OUT LOUD a campaign faithfully supporting the spiritual, physical, and mental well-being of LGBTQIA+ siblings by equipping faith communities with resources and tools for just action and care.

Gender & Sexuality Justice Ministries is excited to release our Love is Louder: Love OUT LOUD Pride resource kit for Pride Month! Our resource kit will release early May featuring liturgy, prayer, our 2nd Love is Louder Toolkit focusing on Queer Theology & Expansive Language, June event offerings and more!

Gender & Sexuality Justice Ministries prophetically brings to life a new campaign rooted in the spirit of Christ’s call to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Explore Toolkit #1

This toolkit is for the flourishing of transgender and non-binary siblings. Learn a 5-step process to access ways you can care for trans and non-binary folks well.

Logo Package

Download the “Love is Louder” logo package to use in your own Pride celebration materials!

Buy a Love is Louder Shirt

Purchasing a Love is Louder shirt supports congregations seeking to begin a discretionary fund focusing on the care of LGBTQIA+ Siblings. Purchase your shirt today!

Get Ready for Toolkit #2

Celebrate Pride with an accessible Queer Theology resource and exploration of Gender & Sexuality Expansive Language through “Queer Theology 101”!

Facebook and X Banners

Celebrate Pride month by adding a Love is Louder banner to your Facebook or X page!

Advocacy 101 Webinars


For questions, please contact Rachael Ward, Team Lead & Minister for Gender & Sexuality Justice Ministries, at or (216) 736–3217.