‘Natural Spirituali-teas’ vlog from UCC General Minister & President explores spirituality

It’s time to spill the tea–the Rev. Karen Georgia Thompson, United Church of Christ General Minister and President, has a new video blog or “vlog” debuting soon, called Natural Spirituali-teas. This special series will offer her point of view about how the Spirit moves among us all, and will include interviews, sermons and speeches about spirituality. Viewers are encouraged to sit down, relax, and watch with a comforting cup of tea, or the beverage of your choice, as Thompson shares her thoughts and insight.

“We are spiritual people on a journey of faith,” said Thompson, sharing her vision of this outlet. “Our traditions have included the ways we are spiritually formed and the spiritual practices that are a part of our daily lives. My hope is that we can learn and grow together in Spirit.”

“Spiritual formation is an integral part of our faith,” Thompson continued. “There are many spiritual practices that nurture our souls, strengthen our faith, and strengthen our connections to God and to one another. This series is an opportunity to listen and learn from each other about our spiritual practices and this journey we are on as individuals and yet together. I hope that as spiritual practices are shared those who are listening will be affirmed in their practices or learn about ways they can add to their spiritual practices.” 

Here is a preview:

Rev. James Bhagwan of the Pacific Conference of Churches in Fiji.

The first installment of the series will be broadcast on Wednesday, April 9 on the UCC YouTube channel at a time to be announced. In this series, Thompson interviews Rev. James Bhagwan, General Secretary of the Pacific Conference of Churches in Fiji.

Look for parts two and three of her interview the week of April 14. Additional episodes with new interviews and addressing a variety of topics will be published to the UCC YouTube channel in coming months.

Tea is part of the theme of these videos as well. “I come from a culture where teas and infusions are used to heal and promote wellness. The sharing of tea is communal and daily ritual for many. I will be sharing tea, tea recipes, and the herbal medicine in them as a part of my own journey and contribution to the space as we connect through this new series Natural Spirituali-teas.

Content on ucc.org is copyrighted by the National Setting of the United Church of Christ and may be only shared according to the guidelines outlined here.

Categories: United Church of Christ News

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