Sample Worship Service
Where is your Treasure?
For 60 years, North American churches have joined together in support of the One Great Hour of Sharing® offering. Currently, 9 denominations receive the offering. In the United Church of Christ, One Great Hour of Sharing supports international programs of health, education, and agricultural development and worldwide disaster relief efforts and refugee assistance. Wider Church Ministries administers the offering which is most often received during worship, the 4th Sunday of Lent.
Call to Worship
Leader: Come with joy to worship the God who deeply loves us.
People: Who treasures each person near and far,
Leader: Who treasures people known to us and people who are strangers to us.
People: Praise God, to whom no one is a stranger.
All: Praise God, who regards each of us as beloved.
Opening Prayer
O God, we come before you, amazed that you would treasure us and deeply thankful that you do. Open our hearts to your Spirit and message this day that we may grow in wisdom and maturity, so that we may love as you love. Amen.
Leader: Blessed are the poor.
People: For yours is the kingdom of God.
Leader: Blessed are the hungry.
People: For you will be filled.
Leader: Blessed are the weeping.
People: For you will laugh.
Leader: Happy are those whose help is in the God of Jacob,
People: Whose hope is in the Lord their God.
Leader: Who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them,
People: Who opens the eyes of the blind and watches over the stranger,
Leader: Praise the Lord who upholds the orphan and the widow.
People: All Praise to God!
Invitation to the Offering
One of the joys of being alive today is being called to tend to God’s treasured people, near and far. Our One Great Hour of Sharing offering will carry the love of Jesus as it brings help and hope to people in need wherever they are. Our gifts will help others experience the reality of that love and the caring, compassionate community that is the Church. Please join with Christians throughout the United States this day in bringing from your earthly treasure, gifts of love and service.
Dedication Prayer
We send forth our love, the fruit of our work, our treasure gathered here in this plate, and we thank you that we can be part of your great work. Please bless the work our tithes and offerings will do, that your children may be strengthened, healed, housed, schooled, and fed. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Materials were prepared by Kristin Andes, a member of the Southern Conference of the UCC.
For Information about One Great Hour of Sharing, please contact our staff!
Phyllis Richards,, toll free 1-866-822-8224 x-3215, or
Susan Sanders,, toll free 1-866-822-8224 x-3210.
To support the offering:
Make a secure online gift today
Gift a generous gift at your local UCC church
Send your gift by mail, made payable to:
One Great Hour of Sharing
United Church of Christ
700 Prospect Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115-1100