OWL About It: July 2020

Little did we know when we launched this newsletter that so much of it would be dedicated to recommendations during a global pandemic!  Here are the current updates:

  • Noting that both the UCC and the UUA have local church autonomy, we highly recommend that everyone consider your local and regional recommendations, denomination recommendations, as well as CDC recommendations, about gathering safely in groups before restarting any Our Whole Lives programs in person. This is in alignment with the Our Whole Lives value of RESPONSIBILITY.
  • Continuing to recognize local church autonomy, it is important that you know the national setting of the UCC and the UUA are not sponsoring or hosting any in-person gatherings for the rest of 2020. If you had registered for an OWL training between now and then, please contact your local host for more information.
  • We continue to offer monthly webinars (first Wednesdays at 9:00 am PT, 10:00 am MT, 11:00 am CT, and 12:00 pm ET). If you are not able to join us live, please know these webinars are recorded and links are available at uua.org/re/owl/facilitators and https://www.ucc.org/owl. Info about upcoming webinars is posted on the listservs, yahoo groups, and Our Whole Lives Facebook page. The next webinar will be August 5th. Register here: https://uua.wufoo.com/forms/z1p8c5o01deer5c/. On September 2, join OWL Trainers Cindy Lee Alves and Anil Oommen for information on gender and related language. Register here: https://UCC.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_L_UbzStmSbmJWNxw0869Aw. Future webinars are planned for October 7, November 4, and December 2.
  • You can find a curated list of resources at uua.org/re/owl/facilitators and https://www.ucc.org/owl. Others are included in another section of this newsletter, along with ideas for having OWL-related conversations at home.
  • What About OWL Online? We empathize with those of you whose OWL programs were interrupted by COVID-related shutdowns and those whose new programs are on hold. In response to these challenges, we’re offering some solutions that are safe, accessible, creative, and values based. The When You Can’t Do OWL—Do This! section includes a document with recommendations to use to create meaningful connection with youth and families, and in the event you use our recommendations for a Grades 7-9 program using some Our Whole Lives resources.
  • We are working to incorporate a more intentional anti-racism lens into Our Whole Lives curricula and training. This work is in process. In the meantime, please see our new Anti-Racism resource section for families.

If you have questions, please contact Amy Johnson, UCC Minister for Sexuality Education and Justice, at JohnsonA@ucc.org or Melanie Davis, UUA Our Whole Lives Program Manager, at mjdavis@uua.org. We remain in service and in solidarity with you!



Categories: Column OWL About It

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