People’s Prayers for Peace

General Minister and President, the Rev. Karen Georgia Thompson calls the church into a season of prayer centered around ending violence in any manifestation and bringing about peace. Learn more about People’s Prayers for Peace and share a prayer of your own.

The Pacific Basin Initiative

Dive into Global Ministries Pacific Basin Devotionals.

Beat Climate Heat with Climate Hope!

In order to have the policies our nation needs to address the climate crisis, we need to elect climate justice champions to office. Your church can help us collect thousands of Climate Hope Voter Pledge Cards this summer and fall!

The Disciples and UCC Address the Crisis in the Middle East

Stay up to date on how the Disciples and UCC are responding to the crisis in the Middle East including statements, action alerts, appeals, and prayers.
Photo: DSPR

United in Christ’s love, we seek justice for all.

We are a distinct and diverse community of Christians that come together as one church united in Spirit to love all, welcome all and seek justice for all.

Join with us in the spirit of generosity, and together we will build a just world for all.

Find a welcoming church near you.

You’ll find a broad range of cultures and styles in our united and uniting church, and there is a place for you. No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.

Daily Devotional

Created by the Still Speaking Writer’s Group by The Pilgrim Press, the Daily Devotional grounds our daily faith.

I See What You Did There

[Jesus said,] “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he…

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Action Alerts: Help Us Make Meaningful Change

Oppose continued U.S. military aid to Israel

As the war continues in Gaza and the violence escalates in the West Bank, it has never been more important for people of faith to advocate for a ceasefire, for increased humanitarian assistance to Gaza, and for the withholding of arms to Israel. Urge the Biden administration to withhold military aid to Israel, increase humanitarian assistance to Gaza, and increase efforts for a ceasefire.

Urge the U.S. Senate to reject initiatives curbing free speech and advocacy for Palestinian rights

Israel’s war on Gaza must cease immediately, sufficient humanitarian aid must be provided, and core issues must be resolved based on international law to ensure a just and durable peace. We must protect the right to speak out, dissent, and advocate with non-violence for justice and peace.

Tell Congress: Protect Affordable Internet for Millions!

The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) helps nearly 23 million low-income households access high-speed broadband. Unfortunately, funding for the program will run out at the end of the month, and it will officially shut down in May unless Congress takes action.

Join The Movement

The United Church of Christ invites you to participate in the Join the Movement Campaign, a three-year initiative that recognizes local churches’ works towards racial justice. Together, we can advocate for all people to live without acts of violence or structures and systems that harm God’s human creation.


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Explore Local Church Resources:

Worship Ways

Original liturgies written in English and in Spanish by United Church of Christ pastors, based on readings from the Revised Common Lectionary. 

Sermon Seeds

A worship preparation resource with Lectionary text and corresponding reflections. Seeds also Include prayer and focus questions for discussion.

Manual on Ministry

A guide and perspective for shared expectations in the essential ministry of Committees on Ministry.

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Our Church in Action

Doing justice, seeking peace and building community are central to the identity of the United Church of Christ. Our actions to create and foster economic, environmental and racial justice are rooted in the teachings of scripture and the policies of our General Synod. United in Christ’s love, we seek justice for all.

Recent UCC News from Around the World

‘Love is Greater Than Fear’: Regional Youth Events get to the heart of gospel message

United Church of Christ teens attending this summer’s Regional Youth Events (RYE) are…

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UCC desk calendars available to order now

Prepare for your day, month and year with the United Church of Christ desk calendar —…

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Global Ministries’ devotional lifts the challenges and hopes of those in Pacific Basin region

Blue skies above. Lapping waves below. Palm trees blowing softly in the wind. Togoru, a…

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Global Reach: Love of Neighbor

The Love of Neighbor Ministries of the United Church of Christ, and its affiliate Global Ministries, supports congregations and other settings of the church in developing relationships with a wider church that is global, diverse, multiracial and multicultural, open and affirming, and accessible to all.

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Through inspired generosity, together we will build a just world for all.

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