Peace and Love

John 14:27  (NRSV)  [Jesus said] “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.”


Like many Latinx families in the United States, mine is divided by the current immigration policies of this political administration. During a remarkable exchange on Facebook between two of my family members debating the issues, the one supporting building a wall quoted John 14:27 on “peace” to our relative, stating “the other stuff is worldly & politics” regarding the plight of under documented immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers. 


At first I scratched my head…then I thought, exactly…and I responded: “great passage about Christ’s Peace to us, for it is that Peace which grants us the strength to proclaim the Love of neighbor and foreigner in the Gospel in a worldly political system that brings so much pain, hunger, homelessness, exploitation, hate, and fear.”  


Yes, Christ gives us the strength not to fear a government that degrades human beings and threatens us with consequences for offering sanctuary to most vulnerable, including those in our LGBTQ communities; for we are walking in the Peace of Christ and not of the world. “Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.”


Prayer: Dear God…May the Peace of our Jesucristo grant us the strength to advocate and offer sanctuary to our most vulnerable and see the Christ is every face we encounter, even those we disagree with, in God’s Love.  Amen.


Categories: Column Reflexiones

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