Elizabeth Brunton (Class of 2025, At Large) currently works as an Institutional Review Specialist with the US Department of Education. She has been a lifelong member of the United Church of Christ. She is the Co-Chair of the Zachariah Walker Racial Justice Initiative and the Consistory President of Reformed Church of the Ascension UCC. She attended United Lutheran Seminary from 2001-2006 earning a MDiv. Since that time, she served as worship leader supply for several colleagues, served as Director of Financial Aid at the Seminary from 2010-2015, and served on the Middle States Evaluation team. As part of POWER Interfaith, she worked with Jewish, Muslim, Ethical Humanist, and ecumenical Christian colleagues to build power together, to work towards economic, racial, and climate justice in the greater Philadelphia area and surrounding county communities. She was a founding Board member of Make Music Norristown. She loves singing, creating experiences for friends and families through trips and events, physical fitness, and raising her rescue dog Phoebe. Her adult son living with autism keeps her connected to the special needs community and he continues to be her joy and driving force.