Tyler Connoley (2025, Appointed CCM) is the Conference Minister for the Central Pacific Conference, having served in that position since November of 2019. Previously, he served on conference staff in the Southwest Conference and in the Missouri Mid-South Conference. He was a member of the Wider Church Ministries board that voted to create the UCCB, and during his time on WCM he also served as a representative to the Common Global Ministries board, and as a member of the WCM Executive Committee. Tyler’s parents are retired missionaries in the Wesleyan Church, and Tyler grew up in Zambia. He has also lived in South Korea, the Philippines, and several US states. Tyler’s education includes a BS in Business and Economics from Indiana Wesleyan University, as well as a Master of Arts in Religion and a Master of Divinity, both from Earlham School of Religion. Before his call to ordained ministry, Tyler worked in the publishing industry. His first ministry position after ordination was as a hospice chaplain, and he served several small churches as a bi-vocational minister. Tyler and his husband, Rob Connoley, are the owners of Bulrush STL, a restaurant in St. Louis where Rob is executive chef. They have apartments in Portland, OR, and St. Louis, MO, and they both love to travel to places where they can eat tasty food.