Programming Webinars

The United Church of Christ enlists the power of technology to deliver a digital experience of connection, inspiration, innovation, education, worship and more.

Click a series below to learn more and view upcoming episodes.

Featured Webinar

Accessible to All Churches and Disability Justice

The United Church of Christ adopted the Accessible to All (A2A) covenant as a denomination in 2005 as part of our commitment to disabilities justice. Barriers to accessibility are both physical and attitudinal.

Disability justice intersects with the UCC’s commitments to racial, economic, gender, sexual identities, just peace, and environmental justice. Join representatives of the UCC Disabilities Ministries Board for practical resources for what UCC members and congregations can do to create a more just world for all.

This webinar is part of a special series of Thursdays for the Soul webinars focused on twelve Just World Covenant programs in the United Church of Christ. On the third Thursday of each month, one of these programs will be featured.

Tuesdays for Nurture

TUESDAYS, 3:30-4:30 PM ET (This series ran 2020-2021)

Tuesdays for Nurture are the occasional Tuesday webinars in this series which we faithfully focus on education for the people of God. Topics from faith-filled politics, to “how to’s” in congregational life, to the impacts of current realities on the life of the church will be featured. Each webinar will include clear suggestions on what YOU can do to change the church, and the world, towards the world God imagines for us.

Upcoming Series Webinars
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No upcoming events.

Wednesdays with the World

1st + 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 2-3 PM ET

The Wednesdays with the World webinar series highlights the ways in which the quest for justice is intersectional and global, providing opportunities for increased awareness of global concerns, and highlighting opportunities for advocacy and action.

Upcoming Series Webinars
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No upcoming events.

Thursdays for the Soul

THURSDAYS, 3:30-4:30 PM ET

Thursdays for the Soul is a webinar series to care for the whole church. Topics are wide ranging, and are focused on the spirituality and care of people. Prayer, worship, music, psalm readings, or compassionate teaching are included.

Upcoming Series Webinars
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No upcoming events.

Owl Taking Flight

1st WEDNESDAYS, 12:00-1:00 PM ET

OWL Taking Flight webinars are monthly explorations of topics that intersect with Our Whole Lives and Sexuality and Our Faith programs. Co-hosted by the UCC and UUA, these webinars are created with Our Whole Lives facilitators and program coordinators in mind, while also open to the public.

Upcoming Series Webinars
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No upcoming events.

Creation Justice


The UCC’s Creation Justice Webinar series brings leaders in the field of environmental justice into conversation with an interfaith audience seeking to put their values into action as caretakers and protectors of God’s creation.

Upcoming Series Webinars
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Annual UCC Earth Summit
Apr 26, 2025 | 2:00pm

HIV & Faith


HIV & Faith in Resilience and Renewal is developed by the US HIV and AIDS Faith Coalition (USHAFC), explores the engagement of U.S. faith communities toward ending the HIV AIDS epidemic. It features conversations with a variety of leaders from faith-based organizations, houses of worship, community organizations, and government agencies who will address the intersections of race, class, gender, sex, sexuality, and religion and identify lessons learned, offering insights, and sharing their vision for what is needed to end the epidemic. The conversations will center the voices of people living with HIV, faith actors from multiple faith traditions and practices, and HIV practitioners. The format includes conversations, responses to the conversation, and discussion/Q&A with the audience.

Upcoming Series Webinars
Click the event title to learn more or register.

No upcoming events.

Need more worship resources?

Worship Ways are original liturgies written in English and in Spanish by United Church of Christ pastors, based on readings from the Revised Common Lectionary. Look for Sunday, festival and special UCC worship services, organized by seasons of the Church Year.

Support UCC Webinars

Covid-19 has kept us apart for so long. We miss you too! We look forward to seeing you in person again when we are all safe. Be sure to check out for those in-person events!