“Seeking the Shepherd’s Guidance”

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. Simon and his companions went to look for him, and when they
found him, they exclaimed: “Everyone is looking for you!” Jesus replied, “Let us go somewhere else—to the nearby villages—so I can preach there also. That is why I have come.” – Mark 1:35-38 (NIV)
In this passage, we encounter Jesus inhis first year of public ministry. Jesus’ promise to the fishermen Simon (Peter) and Andrew, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of people,” was newly made. The disciples follow Jesus to Capernaum where they witness him teach, heal, and cast out demons with authority. When they arrive at the house of Simon and Andrew, Jesus heals Simon’s mother-in-law. The word spread and by evening many people came to him for healing.
The disciples, who were just days ago fishermen, were trying their best to live into an astounding ministry that was revealing itself before their eyes. Early the next morning people arrived looking for Jesus. The disciples witness the need of the people and perhaps realizing they are not yet able to minister to them in this way, they seek out Jesus. They find him, likely still praying in a solitary place, and cry out to him, “Everyone is looking for you!”
Jesus replies “Let us go somewhere else—to the nearby villages—so I can preach there also. That is why I have come.”
His words “Let us go” reminding them the call on their life began not with “I will make you fishers of people” but with “Follow me.” The people saw him as a healer, a prophet, a king. It had not yet been revealed to them that they could get to know Jesus as the Shepherd. What mattered most was not what Jesus could do for them but who Jesus would become to them. In time the disciples understood that he who came to proclaim the gospel was himself the gospel, and on that loving foundation they lived out their call.
At times we may feel overwhelmed by the profound need of others or feel unable to live into the call of God in our life. When in need of guidance the disciples went to the one who made the promise, for he was worthy of trust. We too can come to Jesus crying out, “Everyone is looking for you! Help us!” His promise is he will be with us and guide us, he will remind us who we are, and that he is our Shepherd. May the Shepherd guide our lives and ministries.
Loving God, thank you that as your child I can come to you and seek you in prayer. You have a purpose for me and continue to work in me and guide me. Help me to follow you and trust that what have you started in me, my family, and the Church you will complete through your grace, wisdom, and strength. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
Yuris Martinez is a Chaplain at Oakland’s Children Hospital. They are also in the process of ordination with the United Church of Christ, and they also serve at Encuentro Latinx’s Advisory Committee.
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