Seven Ways You Can Get Involved in Disaster Ministries
Disaster Ministries is a vital ministry of the United Church of Christ. As part of the UCC’s Love of Neighbor Ministry, we continue to show our love to our neighbors across the United States and across the world.
Learn more below about the different ways you can get involved in Disaster Ministries and support this important work.

1. Connect with Your Conference Disaster Response Coordinator
+Conference Disaster Response Coordinators (CDRCs) are appointed by the Conference Minister and lead the Conference’s Disaster Response Team. One of their responsibilities includes helping congregations and individuals to develop a disaster response plan. To learn more about what that involves review our Handbook for Conference Disaster Response Coordinators. Ready to take your involvement to the next level? Connect with your Conference Disaster Response Coordinator to ask about joining your Conference’s Disaster Response Team.
2. Prepare Your Local Church
+Work with church leadership to establish a plan before a disaster happens to help prepare the community and to mitigate potential impacts. For more information on preparing your church review our disaster preparedness resources.
3. Provide Emotional and Spiritual Care
+We are growing our team of people who have a special interest in providing emotional and spiritual care for those who have recently experienced a disaster. Interested in learning more about this vital ministry? Contact Katie Howe, Minister for Disaster Response and Recovery, at Preference is given to individuals who have experience working with trauma informed approaches.
4. Volunteer
+Working with partners, Conference Disaster Response Coordinators, Global H.O.P.E.’s Disaster Ministries, and Volunteer Ministries, you can help support disaster recovery efforts and other mission work through a variety of volunteer opportunities. Learn more on our Volunteer Ministries webpage.
5. Become a Partner in Service
+The UCC’s Partners in Service program helps increase the service capacity of our partner host organizations, provides leadership development, and gives volunteers the opportunity to use their gifts and skills. Volunteers serve part or full-time for periods of 1 – 12 months with a host and participate in networking activities with other Partners in Service volunteers. Open for adults of all ages, learn more about how you can engage with this program!
6. Create Church World Service Kits
+Whether people need help cleaning up after a disaster, getting ready for school, accessing basic hygiene supplies, and more, Church World Service (CWS) kits help provide essential supplies to people in need. The UCC provides $250 matching grants to congregations that are interested in assembling kits. Learn more about CWS kits and apply for the $250 grant.
7. Apply for Grants
+Solidarity Grant (up to $3,000)
Eligible Applicants: Churches, Associations, and Conferences of the United Church of Christ that are actively engaged in response situations. UCC Associations and Conference staff are encouraged to coordinate with the local churches that are launching the ministry prior to submitting the application. Apply Now.
Following a disaster (natural or human-caused), or a mass migration event, there is an opportunity for ministry with affected persons through local UCC Congregations. Global H.O.P.E provides solidarity grants to support this emergency relief work. Solidarity grants are intended to be used to assist or expand the capacity of local churches, associations, or a conference.
Disaster Long-Term Recovery Seed Grant (up to $7,500)
Eligible Applicants: Newly forming or reforming startup groups that are engaged in disaster repair and recovery. Preference is given to LTRGs in which UCC Churches, Associations, or Conferences are involved. Apply now.
Following a disaster, there is an opportunity to assist disaster survivors by supporting the formation of a community led Long-Term Recovery Group (LTRG). Seed grants from Global H.O.P.E. are intended to support the collaborative implementation and programming of LTRGs. Funds should be directed toward areas of greatest need as determined by the LTRG.
Long-Term Recovery and Repair Grant (up to $20,000)
Eligible Applicants: Churches, Associations and Conferences of the United Church of Christ, Long-Term Recovery Groups, and other 501c3 organizations engaging in disaster recovery in their communities. Apply now.
When a Long-Term Recovery Group (LTRG) is formed and operational, a grant from Global H.O.P.E. may be provided to assist or expand its efforts to support those who seek partners to complete their recovery. These grants are intended to support the implementation and programming of a Long-Term Recovery Group operating in a disaster-impacted community throughout the disaster-recovery cycle, with the involvement of a UCC Congregation, Association or Conference. Recovery and Repair Grant availability will vary depending on existing resources and are awarded in the range of $5,000 to $20,000. Recipients may apply for one additional Recovery and Repair Grant upon successfully meeting the implementation and reporting requirements of the first grant.

For questions, please reach out to the Minister for Disaster Response and Recovery, Katie Howe (she/her) at