Strengthen the Movement in 2017!

Thank you for your faithful advocacy in 2016. The past year was an eventful one. Even as Congress was mired in partisanship and gridlock, thanks to your dedication, a prophetic voice for justice rang out strong throughout the year.

NYE-2016-Our_voices_are_strongest_when_we_lift_them_together!.pngYou made a critical difference – helping to shape the public dialogue and secure important action on issues including debt relief for Puerto Rico, federal aid for the people of Flint, and the defeat of the Transpacific Trade Partnership. You stood in solidarity with Native leaders at Standing Rock and raised your voice alongside victims of gun violence. You contacted your elected officials, wrote letters to the editor, marched and held vigils in your home states and in the nation’s capital. You inspired each other and all of us in Justice and Witness Ministries to continue working for a more just, compassionate, peaceful world that honors all of God’s creation.

There are great challenges ahead for justice advocacy in 2017. We must stand united and lift our voices for change. As we begin a new year, will you help us strengthen the movement for justice?

Grow the Movement

Invite your friends to join you in working for justice by signing up for the Justice and Peace Action Network.


Your gifts support the United Church of Christ’s education and advocacy work. A gift to Justice & Witness Ministries helps to guarantee that our persistent voice will remain strong in our nation’s capitol. Give now:

There is no question – Our voices are strongest when we lift them together. We are honored to work alongside you.

In Solidarity,

Your Partners in Justice and Witness Ministries

Want to support the work of Justice and Witness Ministries in the New Year? Donate today!

Categories: Column Getting to the Root of It

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