Subscriptions at the United Church of Christ
The United Church of Christ provides weekly and monthly newsletters from many ministries that share stories, action alerts, resources and educational opportunities and more. Browse the options below and subscribe.
Committees on Ministry (COMma)
This monthly newsletter shares case studies, reflections and resources for Committees on Ministry. These are perfect to use in a COM meeting for education and growth, or for individuals to learn more about the polity of the UCC as it relates to authorized ministry. COMma also links to upcoming online trainings by the Ministerial Excellence, Support and Authorization (MESA) ministry team.

Creation Justice Webinars
Creation Justice Webinar Each month, the UCC co-hosts a webinar featuring environmental justice leaders who not only educate the audience about critical issues but also direct the audience as to how faith communities can take action. Past speakers have included Senator Cory Booker, climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe and bestselling author Adrienne Maree Brown.

Daily Devotional
The Daily Devotional is a spiritually deep and refreshing well to which thousands of readers are drawn each day. The overall vision and voice of the Daily Devotional is tended by the Stillspeaking Writers’ Group and supported by the staff of The Pilgrim Press.

Join the Movement
Can you imagine a church free of racism and a world where all people live without fear of violence or systems that harm God’s human creation? The United Church of Christ invites you to Join the Movement toward racial justice as we answer God’s call to be an anti-racist church. Here, we will share stories and grow together, learning from one another to build a just world for all. Subscribe to receive the latest stories and updates.

The Justice and Peace Action Network (JPANet) is our denomination’s grassroots advocacy network composed of individual members and local UCC congregations across the country. When you join the network you will receive weekly alerts allowing you to take action on timely justice issues and monthly newsletters to keep you informed on other ways to get involved.

Mind Body Spirit
Linking Lives for Health and Wholeness is the E-Newsletter of the UCC Wellness Ministries. Published every other month, it features reflections and articles designed to support and promote the wellness ministries programs of local churches. The newsletter also shares news and announcements about events and opportunities to learn and increase the wellness ministries leadership capacity of the church.

Nurture the Soul
Nurture the Soul is our Thursday webinar series.

Our Whole Lives (OWL)
This quarterly newsletter provides information to anyone interested in the Our Whole Lives/Sexuality and Our Faith programs offered by the UCC and UUA. Each issue includes updated information about engaging with the OWL material, resources to use in addition to the OWL curricula, information about upcoming training opportunities and links to learn more about Our Whole Lives. A scripture reflection is also included for those who would find that helpful.

The Pollinator
The Pollinator is a monthly environmental justice newsletter of the United Church of Christ. It is devoted to the sharing of best practices, upcoming events, action alerts and faith-rooted reflections that equip and inspire church members in caring for God’s creation.

Spirit of Generosity
The Spirit of Generosity is the Philanthropy team newsletter that highlights donors, shares impact reporting and expresses gratitude to our UCC donors. See how your donations have made an impact!

UCC News Digest
Sign up to stay up to date on the news of the United Church of Christ. The UCC News Digest, issued every Tuesday, brings the latest news stories, action alerts, podcasts and prayers directly to your inbox.

Wednesdays with the World Webinars
This bi-monthly newsletter provides information on upcoming Wednesdays with the World webinars. The Wednesdays with the World webinar series highlights the ways in which the quest for justice is intersectional and global, providing opportunities for increased awareness of global concerns, and highlighting opportunities for advocacy and action.

Weekly Seeds
Weekly Seeds is a Bible study resource based on the readings of the “Lectionary,” a plan for weekly Bible readings in public worship used in Christian churches throughout the world. Each week, you will receive a theological reflection on the focus text, discussion/reflection questions and additional thoughts for conversation around a central theme. When we pray with and study the Bible using the Lectionary, we are praying and studying with millions of others.

Witness for Justice
Witness for Justice is a weekly opinion column for public distribution (inside and outside the church) that identifies timely or urgent justice issues. It is a theologically based perspective founded on the UCC’s historic commitment to justice and peace. It is also intended to engage readers and encourage prophetic witness and action. Columns are posted to, UCC News Digest, emailed out to subscribers (including newspapers who publish commentaries), shared via Justice and Witness Ministries and UCC social media.