Theological Formation Summit report now available for review
In April, the Office of the General Minister and President convened a summit on Theological Formation and invited interested members in the wider church to come to Cleveland for two days of contemplative community – to imagine ways to transform how and what the UCC teaches, how we articulate what we believe and how we declare who we are in the world.
135 participants put their heads together for several hours on April 9, and again on April 10, following a call initiated by denominational leaders at General Synod 31 – to create and consider ways to foster and support cradle-to-the-grave theological formation consistent with who we are called to be as the United (and uniting) Church of Christ.
As promised, summit organizers have released a report on the findings of the summit, and the work that is still in progress.
The Report from the UCC Theological Formation Summit: From the Ground Up can be accessed here.
It’s also important to note that the important conversations continue.
“What we coined “Game-Changing Pathway Groups” formed at the summit, and many of those group participants have continued discussions through the summer via Zoom, charting existing resources, considering the ways to create support structures that do not yet exist, and discerning what resources might need more substantial development,” said Cheryl Williams, chief strategy officer. “We are already planning for a follow up discussion, From the Ground Up: Reimagining 2.0 for 2019 to consider how theological formation might be more firmly and intentionally embedded into all aspects of life in the United Church of Christ.”
For more information about this effort to develop a vision for theological formation for the UCC in our increasingly adaptive culture, please contact the Office of General Minister and President at the UCC National Office.
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