UCC Musicians Association celebrates 30 years with special journal access

A loosely organized group of musicians within the United Church of Christ began gathering in Connecticut in 1993 to support and act as a resource for each other. Soon they were putting on summer conferences and calling themselves the UCC Musicians Association.

Today, UCCMA is a nonprofit, national organization with a membership of musicians, clergy and interested laity in the UCC and beyond. They began a journal known today as Worship, Music & Ministry, which covers a wide range of issues in church music and the arts, reaching UCC members across the country. In honor of their 30-year milestone, the online publication is being offered free for a year, beginning with access to the current issue and archives.

Offering different perspectives

Editor of the journal, Eric Dundore, said the organization works hard to offer extensive resources for its membership.

“We try to get as many different perspectives on music and worship as possible and share them with other UCC members,” he said. “We find this especially important after the pandemic — supporting those who may be struggling in the wake of those years.”

Usually, the annual membership would cost $75 and include access to the journal. However, beginning with the Summer 2023 issue, UCCMA will offer three free publications, fully accessible online.

This is in addition to a 90-day free trial for UCCMA membership that is always available on their website.

Spreading music widely

Dundore hopes offering the free publications can broaden a sense of community and connection for people engaging in worship.

“People care about music and worship, and they’re talking about it. We don’t want them to do that in a vacuum,” he said.

The UCC Musicians Association is working toward eliminating membership fees through an endowment so that all UCC churches can access UCCMA’s content, resources and support, but that is a few years down the line, according to Dundore.

Meanwhile, this anniversary provides time to get to know the organization through an opportunity to read Worship, Music & Ministry gratis.

Content on ucc.org is copyrighted by the National Setting of the United Church of Christ and may be only shared according to the guidelines outlined here.

Categories: United Church of Christ News

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