The State of Rural Churches and Communities


In rural and small towns, the church is often a focal point for the spiritual and social well being of a community. During these times of health, economic, and social uncertainties facing the U.S., how are UCC congregations serving rural…

When your Church Goes Viral


Despite evidence and relevance to the literal, what happens when your church goes metaphorically viral on the internet?! Join Rev. Adam Ericksen, Pastor of Clackamas UCC, and Rev. Dr. Chris Davies, about faith in the technological sphere, the memes of…

The State of the Children


HOW ARE THE CHILDREN? Join Rev. Dr. Starsky Wilson, President and CEO of the Children’s Defense Fund, as he addresses the state of our children in America, in 2021. Dr. Wilson will identify the most pressing issues facing the children,…

Blessings for the Ongoing Work of our Country


As we witness and watch what the season will bring for the United States of America in the transition of power, the United Church of Christ is adding blessing towards our future, aligned with faith. We will call on God…

Building Back Hope: A Service of Release & Renewal


Please join the United Church of Christ and The People’s Inauguration as we curate space for Release & Renewal at the intersection of Pain & Promise. At the close of Martin Luther King Day Celebrations and on the cusp of…

Epiphany Music with Musician Lea Morris


Come for guiding stars and guiding music with Lea Morris, child of the universe, singer, songwriter, parent, teacher and perpetual student... notably known through not only through her work with acclaimed songwriting, and now well known in the UCC through…

OWL Taking Flight: WYD sliding into my DMs?


Join us for an engaging conversation with James Wadley, PhD about how to initiate conversations with teens and young adults who court, maintain, and sever relationships using social media (e.g., Tiktok, IG, Snapchat, and Whatsapp). How can you encourage and support…

Hymn Sing!


Join us as we gather together to listen to the music of advent and Christmas, sing along, and close the year off together! You are welcome to dress up and “show off” your Christmas spirit throughout the program. We are…

Blue Christmas Service


Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year—or is it? For many, it echoes old griefs and illuminates the new. When so many things have changed this year, we’ve lost people important to us, and so many hold their…

Stepping into the Archives


The United Church of Christ has a complex history full of the stories of people. We came together calling, Let Them All Be One! And we are seeking ways to unite ever since, even as we clarify our purpose in…