A New Breed of OWL: Formatting for K-1 and Beyond!


Join us as we welcome Mary Benard, Publicity Director for the UUA, to discuss our new easily updatable format for OWL, beginning with OWL for K-1, 2nd ed. We'll also get a glimpse into our new OWL Portal, which we…

Climate Hope Cards Art Contest


We find ourselves in the midst of ongoing climate and environmental justice crises. The future sometimes seems uncertain and even frightening. Yet as people of faith, we are called to heed prophetic voices and fight for a livable planet. Calling…

Preparing for Advent 2022: Days to Come


The United Church of Christ partners with The United Church of Canada to offer a collection of resources for the Advent season. From devotionals to candle lighting rituals, for individuals and for communal worship, we will have resources ready for…


Partners in Building 2022


Partners in Building (PIB) is a multi-day training event where leaders from congregations are invited to attend and engage in various informative presentations and workshops facilitated by the UCC Church Building & Loan Fund. PIB connects pastors and other church…

Narrative Budgets: Telling your Story by the Numbers


7:30pm to 8:30pm Eastern Time (6:30pm to 7:30pm Central) A narrative budget translates the line items of a traditional budget into a story of how your congregation makes a difference in the world. It can be a helpful tool for…

Shared Learning from Gun Violence Ministries


“They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation; they will train for war no more. Everyone will sit under their own vine and fig tree. No one…

40th Annual Parker Lecture & Awards Ceremony


Join the United Church of Christ Media Justice Ministry as we celebrate the 40th Annual Parker Lecture. Maya Wiley, newly appointed President and CEO of The Leadership Conference, will deliver the 40th annual Everett C. Parker Lecture and Jessica J.…


UCC Summit: The Church in a Post-Pandemic World


The Church in a Post-Pandemic World September 19-21, 2022 | Online event*   Join us as we envision what a vibrant, healthy church looks like as it emerges from the pandemic. Click here to view the UCC Summit event webpage…

How to Grow A Movement: Invest to End Racism


Join us as we kick off the historic Join the Movement Capital Campaign with co-chairs Otis Moss III, Naomi Washington-Leapheart, and Starsky Wilson sharing their visions of a church and a world moving toward fuller embodiments of racial justice. On…

Just Peace Churches and the Disruptive Power of Peace!


The United Church of Christ was the first Christian denomination to declare itself a “Just Peace Church” in 1985. Over the past 35+ years, the concept of Just Peace- that intersection of peace with justice reflected in the biblical vision…

The Birth of a Movement: A 40th Anniversary Retrospective


Just as the Montgomery Bus Boycott was a watershed event in kickstarting the Civil Rights Movement, a six-week civil disobedience campaign in Warren County, North Carolina, served as the watershed event for the Environmental Justice Movement in 1982. As more…