Welcome to ‘Voices of the Journey’!

I have the blessing of hearing the stories and receiving the witness of so many extraordinary communities and people in my ministry as Acting Associate General Minister and Co-Executive of Global Ministries for the United Church of Christ.

I am routinely inspired, always made wiser, and my perspective is often enlarged by the voices of those who gift me with their particular experiences and ministry. So I thought: how can I share all that awesomeness with others? This blog is one result!

My intent is to amplify others’ voices along the journey. Sometimes it will be the voices of our global partners. Other times it will be the voices of our Conferences, or local churches and pastors, or staff members of our Love of Neighbor unit in the national ministry of the United Church of Christ and the wide constellation of people with whom we work. All of them together will shine a light on the amazing breadth and beauty of our collective ministry in the United Church of Christ.

We’ve long said in the United Church of Christ (with thanks to Gracie Allen) that ‘God is still speaking’. I actually believe that! I trust that God is revealing something new among us, and calling us in fresh ways to share the good news of God’s love, grace, mercy, and peace. I also experience personally that God is made known through our sacred encounters with others, by listening carefully to their voices and receiving wisdom we need.

So I invite you to come on this journey with me. Listen to what God may be saying to us through the voices of others. Reflect with me on the gifts those voices offer in our life together. Let those voices challenge and move you, enrich and enliven you. It promises to be an adventure!

Grace and peace,


P.S. First up on the journey: the Middle East! Follow along as I have the blessing of visiting our global partners in Lebanon, Jordan, and Palestine-Israel in the coming two weeks.

The Reverend Shari Prestemon began her service with the national ministries of the United Church of Christ in January 2024. As the Acting Associate General Minister & Co-Executive for Global Ministries she has the privilege of supporting several teams: Global Ministries, Global H.O.P.E., Public Policy & Advocacy Team (Washington, D.C.), our staff liaison at the United Nations, and our Gender & Sexuality Justice Team. She previously served as a local church pastor in Illinois and Wisconsin, the Executive Director at Back Bay Mission in Biloxi, Mississippi, and the Minnesota Conference Minister. Her call to ministry grew, in part, from early Global Ministries experiences, especially service as a Peace & Justice Intern in Dumaguete City, the Philippines.

Categories: Voices of the Journey

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