Transgender Day of Remembrance

(TDOR) — November 20, a global day of mourning for transgender persons who have lost their lives to anti-transgender/nonbinary violence; a day to renew our commitments to and solidarity with people of trans and nonbinary experience.
May our witness leave no doubt that the United Church of Christ stands with our transgender and nobinary neighbors near and far — and that we are keeping faith with the transgender, nonbinary and gender queer members of our church and community.
Take Action:
- If there is a TDOR event in your community, participate and make sure your presence as members of a UCC congregation is publicized and visible. A toolkit of resources is posted here. If no TDOR observance has been organized locally, consider sponsoring one in your church.
- On Sunday, Nov. 20, hold the victims of transphobia in prayer when you gather for worship, and renew your commitment as a congregation to advocate for all whose lives and mental and physical health are threatened by hatred — especially for our transgender neighbors. Here are worship resources from the UCC’s national setting that will help you plan your service:
– Prayer for Transgender Day of Remembrance
– A Pastoral Letter and Prayer for Transgender Day of Remembrance
If you wish to name in your prayers the transgender victims of murder in the U.S. and worldwide, the current list is in the resources posted at Remembering Our Dead and the Trans Murder Monitoring (TMM) project. - If your church may deepen its welcome to people of transgender and nonbinary experience through study and dialogue. Resources are available at Examples of trans-inclusive Open and Affirming covenants are at UCC Open and Affirming Coalition’s website.
The transgender community has enriched congregations throughout the United Church of Christ. Their stories of personal courage and their witness to the amazing diversity of God’s creation have encouraged us as followers of Jesus Christ. On Nov. 20, let us grieve with our transgender and nonbinary siblings and renew our commitment to respond to the challenge until everyone is safe in their families, their churches, and their communities.