FAQ: New Format for Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education and Sexuality and Our Faith
Why are some OWL curricula now sold as loose-leaf pages instead of bound books?
Not binding the books means that we can provide you with replacement pages as soon as we learn that corrections, updates, or additions are needed rather than waiting for inventory to be depleted and new books to be printed. This allows us to provide you the most up-to-date and accurate content possible as well as to make changes quickly based on feedback around diversity, equity, and inclusion.
How will I know when replacement pages are issued for my loose-leaf copy of OWL?
Replacement pages will be published online at www.uua.org/re/owl/facilitators and Facilitator Resources – United Church of Christ (ucc.org). We encourage you to check online for replacement pages in real time as you are planning your workshops. To update your copy of OWL, print out the replacement pages and swap them for the old pages. The curriculum is paginated per workshop to allow new pages to be added without renumbering the pages for the whole publication.
In the UUA InSpirit Bookstore and UCC Resources, I see the OWL curriculum I want, but not Sexuality and Our Faith. What should I do if I want the UU or UCC content?
Typically, the secular edition is published first. If you want the religious content, you should wait and order the UU or UCC edition when it becomes available.
I already purchased OWL for Grades K-1, 2nd ed. in loose-leaf format. How do I acquire the UU or UCC Sexuality and Our Faith content when it becomes available, and what will it cost?
OWL K-1 is the first OWL product in the new format. The UCC edition is now available for pre-order for a cost of $58. If you have already bought OWL K-1 without realizing that Sexuality and Our Faith is no longer a separate companion book, please send your receipt to owl@ucc.org and request a free PDF of the UCC edition. If you are interested in the UUA edition, please check the UUA Bookstore.
Why are some OWL levels in the new format while others are not?
As manuscripts for new editions are completed, they will be rolled out in the new format. Eventually, every OWL level will be published in a loose-leaf format for secular, UU, and UCC editions.
Will there still be entire new editions periodically?
Yes. Every level of OWL will be periodically reviewed and updated for content, but being able to issue replacement pages means that you don’t have to worry that the edition you’re using is terribly out of date.