Specialized Ministry in Professional Organizations
Requirements for the ecclesiastical endorsement of a specialized minister in a professional setting can be found on the Ecclesiastical Endorsement page and in the Manual on Ministry, Section 2, Article 5. Please note that some rules have changed or are not covered in the Manual. Additional guidelines may be provided in coorrespondence with the Endorser (Stephen Boyd, Minister for Chaplains and Specialized Ministers) and the Endorsement Secretary (Ms. Kathleen Satter).
Professional organizations for specialized ministry:
Association for Clinical Pastoral Education, Inc. (ACPE): www.acpe.edu
Association for Professional Chaplains (APC): www.professionalchaplains.org
College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy (CPSP): www.cpsp.org
UCC Professional Chaplains and Counselors (UCCPCC): www.uccpcc.org
National Association of College and University Chaplains (NACUC): www.nacuc.net