Florida – United Church of Christ
Discovering Opportunities for Outreach and Reflection (DOOR) (Miami)
Contact: DOOR National Office
PO Box 3237
Chicago, IL 60654
E-Mail: DOOR@DOORnetwork.org
Web site: www.dornetwork.org/cities
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/doornetwork
DOOR provides opportunities for service, learning and leadership development within the urban context. Collaboration, mutuality and partnership are emphasized.
Project/Focus: Groups experience the city and learn about it through volunteering at a variety of community agencies already present in the community, including soup kitchens and homeless shelters. Groups stay at facilities in the city, hear a local perspective on the city, use public transportation when available, interact with people of the city and reflect on their experiences.
Educational/Advocacy Components: The program is designed to expose people to the city in a direct way. Evening speakers, group reflection, worship and Bible study challenge people to consider biblical responses to the issues of poverty, racism, and injustice facing the city as they daily live out their authentic Christian faith. Our local city directors have created curricula based on the needs and issues facing their local communities. This educational component is relevant, trans formative and creative and speaks to the needs of those living in our DOOR Cities around the world. This summer out city directors will address systemic structural barriers affecting the marginalized (Atlanta), the effects of homelessness (Los Angeles), racial injustice (Chicago), the journey of the immigrant (Miami), and economic inequality (Denver) .
Door locations nationwide: California (Los Angeles), Colorado (Denver); Georgia (Atlanta); Illinois (Chicago), and Florida (Miami)
Time: Week long available all year. Weekends available in fall, winter, and spring.
Registration deadlines: 10 weeks before trip. If you are interested in coming after the deadline, please call the national office for availability.
Group Size: Groups or combinations of groups totaling 60 participants (summer) and 45 participants (spring/winter/fall).
Minimum Age: 13 – Some sites can accommodate younger participants. Contact national office for information.
Adult to Youth Ratio: 1:5 for high school aged youth; 1:4 for middle school aged youth
Accommodations: Housing is arranged at local churches, either on the floor at the church or on cots. Participants bring their own sleeping bag and pillow. Showers are provided. Visit the Discover section on each city’s page for specific information.
Cost: Week long: $325 per participant. Sunday evening through Friday noon. Covers lodging, all meals from Monday morning to Friday evening except Wednesday evening and scheduling logistics. Weekend $130 per participant.
Groups experience the city and learn about it through volunteering at a variety of community agencies already present in the community, including soup kitchens and homeless shelters. Groups stay at facilities in the city, hear a local perspective on the city, use public transportation when available, interact with people of the city and reflect on their experiences.
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Disaster Recovery -Northwest Florida
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Tallahassee Fuller Center for Housing (Tallahassee, Florida)
Contact: Stacey Goolsby, US Builders Register
701 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Americus, GA 31719
E-Mail: stacey@fullercenter.org
Phone: 229.924.2900 *Fax: 844-645-3485
Website: http://www.americus-sumterfullercenter.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/americussumterfch
Register on-line: https://interland3.donorperfect.net/weblink/weblink.aspx?name=fullercenter&id=31
The Fuller Center for Housing faith-driven and Christ-centered, promotes collaborative and innovative partnerships with individuals and organizations in an unrelenting quest to provide adequate shelter for all people in need worldwide.
Projects/Focus: Building new and repairing existing homes working with families in need. The exact projects will be determined close to group arrival and based upon the progress of previous accomplishments of our volunteers and available resources.
Educational/Advocacy Components: Each group will receive an orientation about the community they will be serving. This will include a discussion about poverty housing in the area, and the economic benefit of our “hand up-not a handout” approach and how this builds a Fund for Humanity recycling homeowner payments to serve other people in need in the community. Churches do mission work by empowering the people they serve.
Time: Spring, summer and fall
Group Size: 5-20
Minimum Age: 18+ years. Open for colleges and churches. Skilled work site supervision.
Accommodations: Lodging will be at a large church on cots with shower facilities and a large recreational facility. Indoor basketball courts, racquetball, and workout rooms are part of the recreational facilities at the church. Tallahassee Fuller Center will provide a continental breakfast each day, along with lunch at the work site and 2 dinners during the week. We do not have a kitchen facility but many wonderful reasonable dinning establishments are close by for any dinners that may not be covered.
Cost: $125 per person
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Disaster Event – Hurricane Michael
Contact: Eden Roberts at PDA
E-Mail: PDA.callcenter@pcusa.org
Phone: Call Center 866-732-6121
Projects/Focus: Repair and rebuild projects
Other Information: Once contact is made with the PDA call Center they will provide you with all the necessary information including release forms, skill sheets for your group, descriptions of host sites as well as the contact information for those sites and contact information for construction questions.
Minimum Age: 18 years old
Adult to Youth Ratio: 1:5
Accommodations: Gulf Breeze Presbyterian Church, Panama City, Florida or Dogwood Acres Camp, Chipley, FL.
Group Size: Dogwood Acres Camp, (60) maximum, many housing options. Gulf Breeze Church (16)
Tools: Tool provided but people are welcome to bring personal tools.
Cost: $20 per night/per person
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