World AIDS Day
Each day a person in the world is living with HIV is a World AIDS Day.
December 1 is the annual observance of World AIDS Day.

World AIDS Day 2022 Interfaith Service
Thursday, December 1, 1:00 pm Eastern U.S.
Church Center of the United Nations
777 United Nations Plaza, New York, New York 10017
Live Stream:
Visibility is the focal theme of the 2022 service, emphasizing the vital importance of seeing the marginalized within the marginalized of those living with HIV. The service will feature reflections from the marginalized within the HIV+ community- including Black women, long-term survivors, formerly incarcerated persons, persons of transgender or nonbinary experience, and other community members.
Planning partners include leadership from the U.S. Faith & AIDS Coalition, Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference, HIV Vaccine Trials Network, and the Lutheran Office for World Community.

World AIDS Day 2022 Order of Prayer from the World Council of Churches
Ecumenical World AIDS Day Service 2020 (virtual)
The World Council of Churches will offer an ecumenical World AIDS Day service in the Christian tradition. The service will be offered In the context of the ‘16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence’ with the Theme: “Global Solidarity, Shared Responsibility”.
World AIDS Day Interfaith Service 2020
Join the World AIDS Day Interfaith Service organized by the US HIV & AIDS Faith Coalition. It will be available online and via live-stream. Keeping with the AIDS 2020 theme, “Resilience and Renewal,” the service will include four faith traditions Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, and Christianity. Each will offer sacred text, a reflection, and a prayer.
2018 Theme: Live life positively – know your HIV status
UCAN’s 2018 World AIDS Day Statement
The need for increased HIV response is urgent. We are in a brief window of opportunity for ending the HIV epidemic as a public health threat by 2030. Taking advantage of this window of opportunity will make a world of difference.
The #1 thing everyone can do to respond to the HIV epidemic is to know their status.
The best way to know your HIV status is to get tested.
Live Life Positively: 3602HIV trailer (UNAIDS video)
Fast Tracking the HIV Response
According to UNAIDS, “Front-loading investments in this fragile window up to 2020 could reduce new HIV infections by 89% and AIDS-related deaths by 81% by 2030.” If we stay the current course, and fail to fast-track the response, we stand to lose the gains we’ve made with devastating consequences to the health and lives of millions of people the world over. There can be no clearer or compelling moral imperative for people of faith.
The time to act is now!
The time to scale-up our response is now!
The importance of the whole church engaging in HIV response has never been more critical. As never before, there is a path to ending the epidemic in our lifetime. The implementation of the 27th General Synod’s resolution, “Calling for Comprehensive HIV Prevention in Church and Community,” is the road map for the UCC, inviting the whole church to be faithful to do all it can.
As you plan for this global observance, please use the following resources, adapting them according to the needs of your particular context.
Common Voice
Common Voice on Vimeo, a responsive reading video for use in worship.
Common Voice Responsive Reading
HIV Testing Resources:
Find fast, free and confidential HIV testing near you.
Podcast: National UCC Conversation on HIV Testing
World Council of Churches Clergy Testing Campaign
Information and Fact Sheets
More Worship/Spiritual Resources
- 2017 Prayer Service, Exhibition, Panel Discussion – World Council of Churches
- 2016 Prayer Service from World Council of Churches
- 2015 Liturgy from the Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance
- Worship Ways Litany
- Prayer for Holistic Healing
- HIV-AIDS Advent Calendar
- World AIDS Day Resources from the Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance
- Church World Service HIV/AIDS Worship Resources
- Liturgy on “Zero Discrimination”
prepared by representatives of the committee for Ethics, Theology and HIV and AIDS of Action against AIDS – Germany - AIDS Day Sermon from Mission Hills UCC (San Diego, CA) on Vimeo.
Global Ministries – Projects, Stories, Resources
Global Ministries is the common witness of the United Church of Christ and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) responsible for nurturing relationships with international partners on behalf of Disciples and the UCC.
Advent Calendar and other resources from the Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance
Education continues to be among the best for a wide-range of HIV information.
HIV-related Videos on the UCC YouTube Channel
- UNAIDS 2015 World AIDS Day Report
- UNAIDS 2016-2021 Strategy
- Fast Track – Ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030
- UNAIDS Infographics
- UNAIDS Resources – Documents
UN Political Declaration (June 2011)
Global HIV Strategic Investment Framework
- – World AIDS Day
- Facing AIDS:
- Light for Rights:
More Resources