This webinar conversation will explore the relationships between HIV/AIDS and faith within Latinx communities. We will center the stories of people from Latinx communities living with and personally affected by HIV and explore the impact of faith, HIV and AIDS. How can faith be a resource or balm in facing HIV/AIDS, as well as, an agent for healing the harms done in the name of faith? How can faith communities strengthen their response to the needs, gifts, and challenges within Latinx communities as we work in solidarity to end the HIV epidemic?
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About the series:
HIV and Faith: Strengthening the Engagement of Faith to End the Epidemic
This series, developed by the U.S. HIV and AIDS Faith Coalition (USHAFC), will explore the engagement of faith leaders and faith communities toward ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic. It will feature conversations addressing the intersections of race, class, gender, sex, sexuality, and religion in the HIV response and offer insights, best practices, strategies, and vision for ending the epidemic. The event will center the voices of people with lived experience, commentary of faith actors from multiple faith traditions and practices, and HIV practitioners who have been engaged in HIV/AIDS response.
Past Webinars
Offering Hope for the Future: How HIV Vaccine Research Informed COVID-19 Vaccine Research
The U.S. HIV/AIDS Faith Coalition and the Inter-CFAR Faith and Spirituality Research Collaborative are pleased to partnered in this joint webinar, “Offering Hope for the Future: How HIV Vaccine Research Informed COVID-19 Vaccine Research.” The webinar is to examines HIV vaccine development and how it has informed the development of COVID-19 vaccines. An expert panel comprised of epidemiologists, public health professionals, and community leaders, discusses vaccine development, behavioral changes, and faith-based community perspectives around the past 40 years of the HIV epidemic in the United States.
Moderated by Dilara Uskup, PhD, PhD
-Stephaun E. Wallace, PhD, MS, MOL
-Bambi W. Gaddist, DrPH
-Jimmy Leon Gibbs, MA, MS, M Div.
-Deaunte Damper
Making Our Commitments Real to End the Epidemic
Making Our Commitments Real to End the Epidemic is a Faith Forward conversation following the High Level Meeting on HIV. The stage is set the stage for the next five years of the global response to HIV, including the faith component: the new UNAIDS Strategy, the High-Level Meeting and its political declaration, the #Faith2EndAIDS side-event at the HLM, as well as the 12 Million Campaign and the Commitments to Action that came out of last fall’s interfaith conference. In this context, how will the faith community push forward with its role in the HIV response?
As part of the U.S. HIV & AIDS Faith Coalition’s HIV & Faith series, the webinar will have two main parts, an informal conversation among leaders in the HIV response, followed by responses from other participants. The audience is invited to submit questions to panelists which include:
- Laurel Sprague, Chief for Community Engagement, UNAIDS
- The Rev. Canon Gideon Byamugisha, Faith Sector Representative to the Multi-Stakeholder Task Force for UN HLM on HIV.
- David Barstow, PhD, AIDS Activist and Core Group Member of the UNAIDS-PEPFAR Faith Initiative,
- Father Rick Bauer, Roman Catholic Priest, Director of Spiritual & Psychosocial Support, Eastern Deanery AIDS Relief Program, Nairobi, Kenya, and
- Khadijah Abdullah, Founder & Exec. Director, Reaching All HIV+ Muslims In America (RAHMA), and Chair of the National Faith HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
- Moderated by Ulysses Burley III, MD, Founder and CEO, UBtheCURE and Member of the U.S. HIV & AIDS Faith Coalition.
Engaging the Impact of HIV & AIDS in Trans/Non-Binary Communities
This webinar conversation engages the impact of faith, HIV and AIDS through the lives and works of transgender/non-binary leaders and activists. Faith leaders will have an opportunity to respond to the needs, gifts, and dreams of these beautiful humans by divining and interpreting how faith communities can be in deeper relationship with transgender/non-binary persons living with HIV and AIDS.
Monday, November 16, 2021
11th International Stigma Conference – Faith Day
Session 1: HIV & Faith: Healing the Divide
Presenters: Khadijah Abdullah and Dr. Ulysses Burley III
Session 2: Reaching Vulnerable Communities
A Conversation with Erica Poellot and Rev. Michael Crumpler
Moderator: Ulysses Burley III
Responders: Kamal and Orisha Bowers
Session 3: Framework for Dialogue between Religious Leaders and People Living with HIV, a tool for dialogue and joint action to reduce and eliminate stigma.
Moderator: Rev. Michael Schuenemeyer
Presenters: Arthur Butler, Ari Hampton, Shantel Maurice, and Felix and Paula Sirls
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
HIV Faith Coalitions Then and Now
A Conversation with Jesse Milan and Rabbi Denise Eger
Moderator: Ulysses Burley III
Responders: Rabbi Howard Berman and Rev. Dr. David Williams
Sunday, August 30, 2020
National Faith HIV & AIDS Awareness Day
A Conversation with Khadijah Abdullah and Rev. Edwin C. Sanders
Moderator: Ulysses Burley III
Responders: Bhikkhu Sāgarānanda Tien and Vanessa Johnson
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Prayer and Engaging the Black Church,A Conversation with Pernessa Seele and Cary Goodman
This webinar series kicked-off with a conversation between long-time HIV activists Pernessa Seele and Cary Goodman of the Balm in Gilead. Pernessa is the founding CEO of the Balm and Cary has served for many years as the Balm’s Program Director. They will talk about the impact of the National Week of Prayer for the Healing of HIV and their vision for the role of the Black Church for ending the epidemic.
Thank you to our sponsors:

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About the US HIV & AIDS Faith Coalition
The US HIV & AIDS Faith Coalition is composed of people of faith, faith leaders, people living with HIV, and people working in the HIV and AIDS response working together to develop and implement strategies to strengthen the faith response to HIV toward ending the epidemic.
Email contact: