UCC at the United Nations
Join the UCC delegation to the 2023 Commission on the Status of Women
The United Church of Christ has always had a critical presence at the United Nations. Why?
Religious groups are an important voice for expansive, intentional, and inclusive civil society participation in UN decision-making. The Love of Neighbor unit (formerly Wider Church Ministries) of the United Church of Christ has long been accredited as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). This status gives us the opportunity to speak at the UN on matters of concern as we work towards a just world for all.
At General Synod 33, Wider Church Ministries (now Love of Neighbor) hosted an optional event called, UCC at the United Nations: Growing New Connections to Create a Just World, with speakers from the World Council of Churches and from within the UCC community who work on global issues at the United Nations. Watch the recording to learn more about why we are present at the UN and how we live out our call to create a just world for all.
Areas of Focus
Our presence at the UN today focuses on a few key areas: global peace with justice, gender justice, racial justice, climate justice, and global health issues like HIV/AIDS.
We work closely with church partners, attend conferences and meetings, and share the work of our global partners at the UN. The International Decade of People of African Descent and the Commission on the Status of Women are just two of the many programs and conferences where UCC members can take part.
UN International Days and Weeks
United Church of Canada Partnership
As part of our full communion agreement with the United Church of Canada, we have committed to the UN International Decade of People of African Descent. We are working together on common resources and liturgies that advance racial justice, intercultural commitments, equity, and diversity.
Sustainable Development Goals
The UCC and our global partners are also working on the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Your local church is probably working on the SDGs right now! Programs like food pantries or community gardens all contribute to the SDGs.
For questions, please reach out the United Nations Minister, Donna Bollinger at bollingerd@ucc.org.