General CARDD FAQs

How many churches and members do we have in the United Church of Christ?

  • As of December 31, 2019, we have 4,852 congregations and 802,356 members in the United States.

What is the average church size within the UCC?

  • The average church size is 165 members.

What is the average and median worship attendance within the UCC?

  • The average worship attendance size is 67. The median worship attendance size is 47.

What is a church merger?

  • A church merger is when two (2) or more churches close and become one (1) new UCC church.

Where can I learn more about (OCWM) Our Church’s Wider Mission?

Where can I get a 501c3 letter for my church?

Our church is looking for guidance on retaining and/or archiving our records. What do you suggest?

  • CARDD does not provide direct assistance in this area. However, the Office of General Counsel has some information and a sample records retention policy for conferences that also applies to churches. In addition, the Congregational Library & Archives in Boston has several helpful resources for managing and archiving church records. 

Can I call you and get a minister’s contact information?

I’m looking for my great great grandmother’s wedding certificate. The church no longer exists. Can you help locate the information?

  • No. If the congregation is now closed, you may have luck contacting the conference office where the congregation is/was located.

Can you help me find a copy of my baptism certificate?

  • We do not maintain individual church baptism records. Please contact the congregation where the baptism was performed. If this congregation is now closed, you will have to contact the conference where the congregation is/was located.

Can you help me find a UCC congregation in my area?

  • Yes! Please visit our Find a Church page, which displays a searchable map of UCC congregations across the country.

Can you create a demographic report for me?

  • No, we do not create demographic reports for particular geographic areas. However, many conferences use MissionInsite ( to access comprehensive community profiles and local religious information for shaping mission and ministry. Please contact your conference to find out if they use this vital church resource or to encourage them to use this resource. You can learn more about the program and access resources and training information here.