Promote peace – say ‘Hello’
Do your part to create peace. Participate in World Hello Day.
World Hello Day is Friday, Nov. 21. All one needs to do is greet 10 people. A simple hello that demonstrates the importance of personal communication, for promoting and preserving peace.
“A life can be changed with ‘Hello,'” said the Rev. J. Bennett Guess, one of the UCC national officers. “As the church of extravagant welcome, this simple way of embracing the other is something the UCC is all about. Reach out to someone new. You open the door to a world of peaceful possibilities with a simple, but sincere greeting.”
The 2014 World Hello Day is number 42 – the tradition began in response to a conflict between Egypt and Israel in the fall of 1973. Since then it has been observed by people in 180 countries.
Encourage world leaders to promote peace, to use communication rather than force to settle conflicts, just by saying hello.
Want more information? Check the World Hello Day website.
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