“A Litany for Reproductive Justice“
By Rev Amy Johnson, UCC Minister for Sexuality Education and Justice
One: Holy Mother God,
Author of Life,
Healer of all,
We come to you humbly in prayer.
We pray for all those who mother us, nurture us, believe in us, and love us unconditionally.
All: We pray every one of your Beloved children knows that kind of love.
One: We pray for those who are pregnant, carrying:
Joy at the possibility of new life in their wombs,
Anxiety and fear of a pregnancy not planned or desired,
The weight of choice, the burden of no choice where there once was one, and the terror of no bodily autonomy.
All: We pray every one of your Beloved children knows you are with them on their journey.
One: We pray for those mothering and parenting others;
Who soothe cries, lose sleep, kiss wounds, sing lullabies…
Who make ends meet, go without, battle systems of oppression, sacrifice…
All: We pray every one of your Beloved children is cared for abundantly.
One: We pray for those in power, who make decisions about
Child care subsidies, funding for food, affordable housing, health care,
And access to education.
All: We pray every one of your Beloved children has enough to eat, safes place to live and learn, and abundant care for their bodies, minds and spirits.
One: God of Many Names, stir us into action, to fight for these basic human rights, to tell the stories and pierce the hearts of those whose privilege and greed withhold equity and care for Your Beloved Children. Annoy us, agitate us, accompany us in this holy and sacred work.
All: Amen