Advent 1C – December 1

Sunday, December 1 2024
First Sunday of Advent
1 Thessalonians 3:9-13 | “‘For All the Joy”
Call to Worship
One: In the midst of night’s shadows and anguish,
Many: We pray earnestly to experience your presence.
One: As dawn slips into the horizon and relieves night of its reign,
Many: We pray earnestly to sense your presence.
One: As daylight grows into noontime, filled with the glow of sun’s light,
Many: We pray earnestly to know your presence.
Lover God, Creator of Our Hearts,
Through your Spirit, our love grows for our neighbors. Our hearts are drawn to your expanding light as we see through the faces of our neighbors. May the joy of your Divine Love spill into each corner of your Realm as we anticipate your love and light in this season of longer nights and bleak days. Amen.
Prayer for Transformation and New Life
God of the Possible and Probable,
Gloom often encapsulates us when life is confusing and conflict is great. Our faith is rattled, and we are swallowed by shadows of fear. The world often feels like the end is near even when a new beginning is around the corner. We forget that even when shadows have lengthened, there remains a crack in the surface. Light begins to stream into our space, and warmth dances upon our hearts. When fear unnerves us, may we cling to the hope of God’s love and the possibilities of joy once again. Amen.
Words of Grace
Take comfort, dear friends, that God’s grace will fill our hearts with joy as we know that light grows ahead. May we cling to the crumbs of hope as we step into the nighttime with faith, knowing Divine Bliss accompanies us in each step.
Invitation to Generosity
God continues to increase love in our hearts for our neighbors within our congregation, community, and world. Through our various gifts, we are able to strengthen our connections and grow with our God, Holy Crafter of Gifts.
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Dedication
Joyous God, Originator of all Gifts,
This day and always, we celebrate the gifts of our hands and hearts. We share our talents and time, knowing our energy builds the world with love. We share our treasures, knowing that all gifts we entrust to your Church will build your Realm. With joy, we devote our firstfruits to loving you and your children. Amen.
As we open the doors to the dawn of this season,
May the Creator of Our Hearts fill us with Joy,
May the Light of Christ fill our hearts with Hope,
And may the Spirit of Tranquility assure our souls with Strength. Amen.
For All the Joy: Service Prayers for the First Sunday of Advent Year C was written by the Rev. Michelle L. Torigian, senior pastor of St. Paul United Church of Christ, Belleville, Illinois.