Advent 2C – December 8

Sunday, December 8, 2024
Second Sunday of Advent
Philippians 1:3-11 | “Praying with Joy”
Call to Worship
One: Underneath life’s expanding shadows,
Many: We call out “Pave the way for our God!”
One: On the dusty roads of life’s wilderness
Many: We call out “Pave the way for our God!”
One: As we near the top of mountains, rejoicing under the sunlight,
Many: We call out “Pave the way for our God!”
Holy Fountain of Compassion,
Deep in the heart of this journey, we search for peace-filled moments of contemplation. We crave the joy that is found in the stillness of prayer. As we share this time with you, may we experience your beloved joy, knowing that our petitions bring us closer to you and our neighbors. Amen.
Prayer for Transformation and New Life
God of Blissful Serenity,
As you move about your Realm on Earth, you desire our prayers to come alive. Knowing the hopes of our hearts, you call us to create action that will help our neighbors. Yet, there are times we continue to pray in mind only, never fulfilling our calling to care for our neighbors. What we forget is that joy abounds when we can transform a prayer from thoughts to concrete actions, blessing our siblings across our world. Amen.
Words of Grace
When we bring alive our prayers, we experience Christ in our midst. May we embrace the grace of God and initiate opportunities to care for God’s children with open hearts.
Invitation to Generosity
As we share in God’s grace, we seek ways to share our gratitude with God and our neighbors. Through prayer and pondering, we discover new ways to give our offerings of talents, treasures, and time with a joyful spirit.
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Dedication
God of All Joy,
We give thanks each time we remember your gifts in our lives. Our gratitude extends to the ways we can use our gifts of time, talent, and treasures. May your boundless wisdom compel us to use our energies in ways that will share the most love in our world. Amen.
May the Spirit of Light,
The Christ of Love,
And the God of Joy
Infuse our souls with peace and a song of thanksgiving
As we seek the presence of God in our world.
Praying With Joy: Service Prayers for the Second Sunday of Advent Year C was written by the Rev. Michelle L. Torigian, senior pastor of St. Paul United Church of Christ, Belleville, Illinois.