After Epiphany 3C- January 26

Sunday, January 26, 2025
Third Sunday after Epiphany Year C
Luke 4:14-21 | “Proclaim”
Call to Worship
L: The Spirit of God has called us to this place and time.
P: We gather to hear God’s liberating word of love.
L: Today, past and future meet in the holiness of now.
P: May the Spirit of God at work in Jesus, also work in us.
L: May the vision of flourishing for all be imprinted on our hearts.
P: And may it be enacted in our lives!
Gracious God, anoint us anew with your Holy Spirit of Love. By it, form our hearts, minds, and lives into channels of your good news. Grant us a renewed passion for your vision of a world where none are poor and where every weight is lifted. Cultivate your courageous compassion in us to move toward any who have been marginalized or run over by the world. Yes, bless and strengthen us to bless and strengthen others. We pray this in the name of the one whose life fulfilled Your Holy vision, Jesus the Christ. Amen.
Prayer for Transformation and New Life
O Love that will not let us go, interrupt our familiar inertias leading down paths of distraction and discouragement. Let today’s Sabbath pause gift a freeing grace impossible to imagine on our own. By Your abundant outpouring of Spirit lighten every burden carried from yesterdays past. Cleanse the lens of our hearts, that we may see more clearly your vision of a world made new. Yes, forgive us and free us for this delight you yearn to offer, in and through Jesus Christ. Amen.
Words of Grace
Beloved of God, hear the good news: In Christ, God has declared that you are no longer captives to the past. All that you have carried, the Holy One has lifted. The eternal love of God, made known in Jesus Christ, has anointed you anew. You are forgiven and invited to join in the joy of God’s great vision for your life. Thanks be to God who has fulfilled this in your hearing. Amen and Amen.
Prompts for a Pastoral Prayer
Anoint us anew, O God, for we need your blessing…
Anoint those weighed down with the world…
Anoint the weary…
Anoint the wondering…
Anoint the waiting…
Anoint the worried…
Anoint the watchful…
Anoint anew, O God, for we need your blessing that bears new life.
Invitation to Generosity
At work in life is a holy generosity that begins and ends in God. This “yes” of God is the source of everlasting joy. Now, we are invited to this enduring delight. May our hearts and minds be opened anew as we bring our gifts to God with thanksgiving and praise.
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Dedication
We thank you, God, for loving us into the freedom of a generous life. Bless these gifts we bring in response to the blessing you have already given us with the gift of life. Form our lives anew into living offerings, sharing Your love with a grace that frees others. Amen.
May the same Spirit that anointed Jesus, anoint you anew.
May the same grace at work in Jesus, be active in you.
May the good news declared by Jesus, be proclaimed by you in word and deed.
And may the world know that the year of the God’s favor is at hand.
Thanks be to God! Amen and Amen!
Hymn Suggestions
“Now Thank We All Our God”
“I Am the Light of the World”
Proclaim: Service Prayers for the Third Sunday after Epiphany Year C was written by the Rev. Dr. David Long-Higgins, Conference Minister of the Heartland Conference of the United Church of Christ.