After Pentecost 11B – August 4

Sunday, August 4, 2024
Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
2 Samuel 11:26 – 12:13a in conversation with Psalm 51:1-12 | “For Mercy”
Call to Worship (Inspired by Psalm 51)
One: The Holy One is just and merciful, righteous and compassionate, wise and near.
Many: O God, you desire truth in the inward being; therefore teach us wisdom. Enliven joy and gladness within our hearts.
One: We long for your presence and gather before you in gratitude and awe of your steadfast love.
Many: O God, you desire truth in the inward being; therefore teach us wisdom. Enliven joy and gladness within our hearts.
One: Create just, righteous, and loving hearts within us. Renew our spirits as we declare your praise and seek you in prayer.
Many: O God, you desire truth in the inward being; therefore teach us wisdom. Enliven joy and gladness within our hearts.
Gracious God, we give thanks for your presence among us. In the chaos of our lives, you provide calm, healing, and sanctuary. Inspire us to be transformed as you immerse us in your everlasting love and relentless presence. Your Spirit fills the atmosphere as we gather in your name from pew to park and from sanctuary to sofa. Open our receptivity to your word and enflame our imagination of and participation in your kindom on earth. May it be so. Amen.
Prayer for Transformation and New Life
Redeemer, forgive us. We confess our complicity with the systems of this world that hurt and harm your children and your creation. We confess our complacency with the status quo, incrementalism when urgency is required, and the claim that nothing ever changes. We confess our comfort holds more influence over us than your command that we love our neighbor as ourselves. Forgive us and release us from the bonds of guilt and shame so that we can be free to change and grow, free to receive your power and new life, and free to be your agents of transformation in the world. Holy One, in your mercy, hear our plea. Amen.
Words of Grace
Redeemed, the Sovereign God has given you power and freedom to live as full citizens of the kindom of God. Receive the grace to do your best for today trusting that the Spirit will guide you to your best for tomorrow. The past has no power to keep you from new life in the present and abundant life in the future. Claim your redemption and, in gratitude, the new life gifted to you in Christ.
Invitation to Generosity
The gifts of God bless us, and the invitation of God is to share those blessings with generosity, gratitude, trust, and love. Let us give of our time, talent, and treasure from the abundance of God’s provision to us.
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Dedication
Generous God, thank you for these gifts and the privilege of giving. Increase our collective resources that we might serve your kindom and bring honor to your name. Amen.
Go, in the assurance that you are redeemed.
Go, with compassion, courage, and conviction that a beloved community is possible and waits on your participation.
Go, in peace and hope, knowing that God is with us. Amen.
For Mercy: Service Prayers for the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost Year B was written by the Rev. Dr. Cheryl A. Lindsay who serves as Minister for Worship and Theology for the United Church of Christ.