After Pentecost 20A – October 15

“Filled from the Streets”
Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost
October 15, 2023,
Ex 32:1-14 and Ps 106:1-6, 19-23 or Isa25:1-9 and Ps 23, Phil 4:1-9, and Matt 22:1-14
Other Celebrations for this Sunday: Children’s Sabbath/Laity Sunday
Hispanic/Latine Heritage is celebrated from September 15 – to October 15, so it’s an excellent opportunity to share with the congregation something about the Hispanic/Latine community and celebrate their gifts to us and the world. Check out the list of Ideas to Celebrate for 30 days posted on the UCC webpage under Worship Ways.
*As you gather for worship on this last Sunday of Hispanic/Latine Heritage Month, you might want to include, as your gathering, a song where the children come into worship playing instruments to Spanish music.
(For example, tambourines, cymbals, maracas, and other instruments children can play or process into worship by waving flags representing the countries of origin of the Hispanic/Latine community they are from. Be creative and make it fun for the children.)
*Procession ~ Celebration for Hispanic/Latine Heritage Month
(By the Children of the Church)
Call to Worship (Adapted from Psalm 106)
Leader: Let’s thank the Lord, for the Lord is good.
People: God’s love endures forever.
Leader: Who can proclaim the mighty acts of the Lord or fully declare God’s praise?
People: Blessed are those who act justly, who always do what is right. Our God is worthy of our Praise!
Leader: Remember us, O Lord, when you show favor to your
people that we may enjoy your blessings.
All: Let us worship our good God, who blesses us with infinite love and abundant grace. Amen!
Opening Prayer
Lord Jesus, we gather to worship you today with hearts full of joy and appreciation for the beauty of your diversity and extravagant welcome. We invite your Holy Spirit to this space to celebrate your goodness and presence in our gathering time together. Prepare our hearts to receive what you have for us today. Amen!
Opening Hymn De Colores (Sing of Colors) NCH 402
Words of Confession:
Leader: We ask your forgiveness, O Lord, for not being truthful in acknowledging that we have failed you and those you entrusted in our care.
People: We know that we have a long way to go, O Lord, we ask that you open our hearts to be receptive to your Holy Spirit.
Leader: We ask you to transform our hearts within so that we will be renewed in our commitment to be the beloved community you are calling us to be.
Moment of Silence….
(Each person can take this time to surrender to God privately anything weighing heavy on their heart.
ALL: Hear our prayers for forgiveness, O Lord, that we may know your mercy and compassion. Amen!
Words of Grace
…God demonstrated his love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8) Beloved in Jesus Christ, our sins are forgiven.
The Lord’s Prayer in Unison
Let us pray as Jesus taught us to pray…Our Father, who art in heaven,…
Hymn Pues si Vivimos (In all Our Living) NCH 499
Scripture Reading
Prayer of the People
Gracious God, we thank you for all that you provide and the blessings we receive daily from you. We know that, at times, we feel hopeless amid so much uncertainty in our world, but we trust you, O God, to bring us peace. And to give us comfort when we are overwhelmed with anxiety. Please help us be calm in the chaos around us and give us the strength to overcome.
Gracious God, we bring all our concerns, doubts, and insecurities with the confidence that you are walking with us and guiding us with your Holy Spirit. Mold us into the vessels you want us to be, full of hope and joy.
Gracious God, we lift prayers for the homeless, the hungry, the lonely, the rejected, those left behind, and all suffering injustice in our community and the world. Hear their cries for healing, wholeness, and acceptance, O loving God.
Gracious God, we ask that your Holy Spirit accompany and protect our Black and Brown siblings and LGBTQ communities dealing with violence and hatred. We pray for continued strength and courage for all being persecuted by society. Let us not be afraid to stand boldly to speak against all hate and violence. God, you call us beloved, even when we stand in the face of violence and fear. Please help us to continue to be agents for transformation and equity.
Gracious God, help us live according to your word’s mandates that call us to love one another as you love us. Help to show mercy and offer compassion and forgiveness to all in our care. Help us acknowledge when we have not been good stewards or loving to our neighbor or the stranger.
Gracious God, we pray that our hearts will be open to the change that needs to happen here on earth so your Sovereignty will be a reality and all your creation will sing your praises. Please help us to see each other as gifts from you. Let us enthusiastically embrace your love to share the good news with those who need to hear and receive your amazing grace. Amen
Hymn If You but Trust in God to Guide You NCH 410
Invitation to Generosity
All we have comes from you, O Lord. So, we give our offerings and tithes with generous hearts in thanksgiving for all you do for us. May these gifts given today offer hope in proclaiming and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ our Savior with all the world.
Prayer for the Offering
Take our offerings and tithes, O God, bless them that they may be used to share your love and blessing in our community and the world. May these offerings provide for the least of these needs and the proclamation of your word to those seeking hope. Amen!
Hymn I Love to Tell the Story NCH 522
May the Love of the Creator sustain you!
May the peace of Jesus flow through you!
May the presence of the Holy Spirit fill you with grace!
And give you the courage to share the good news! Amen!
“Filled from the Streets” Order of worship for the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost, October 15, 2023, continuing to Celebrate Hispanic/Latine Heritage Month, was written by the Rev. Pérsida Rivera-Méndez, retired UCC pastor.
For ideas for celebrating Hispanic/Latine Heritage, see the list prepared by the Rev. Pérsida Rivera-Méndez titled IDEAS TO CELEBRATE FOR 30 DAYS.