After Pentecost 20B (World Communion Sunday) – October 6

Sunday, October 6, 2024
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost | World Communion Sunday
Mark 10:2-16 | “Hardness of Heart”

Call to Worship (Inspired by Psalm 26)
One: The Holy One dwells within and beyond the congregation and makes a home among us.
Many: Prove us, and try us; Holy One, test our hearts and minds.
One: The glory of the Sovereign One abides with us, illuminating our journey, energizing our gathering, and warming our spirits.
Many: Prove us, and try us; Holy One, test our hearts and minds.
One: Bless the Name of Names, the God of Truth, and the Giver of Life with songs of praise, prayers of hope, and moments of connection.
Many: Prove us, and try us; Holy One, test our hearts and minds.

Majestic God, your realm encompasses the universe, the earth, and our community. All creation declares your glory. May we unite with our kin around the world in celebrating you and the connections we share. As we gather in your name, may we remember those we join in faith, hope, and worship on every continent representing every tradition. May we declare in spirit and in truth…one bread, one body…the church striving to one as you, Sustainer, Redeemer, and Spirit are one. Amen.

Prayer for Transformation and New Life
Holy One, we come to this gathering, the table, and your presence mindful that this day particularly celebrates our human connectedness. The reality lies far from the idea and your vision of beloved community. You call us to remember the poor, the marginalized, the immigrant, the isolated and abandoned. You command us to love our neighbor and have blessed us to live in an era in which we may know our neighbors from across the world to amazing degrees. Yet, we cling to our echo chambers and isolationist tendencies. We place our desires and comforts over the good of the world. We demonize difference rather than dignify diversity. Forgive us and have mercy on us while propelling us to new life. Extend your grace to transform our attitude and actions and infuse us with openness, curiosity, and love.

Words of Grace
Beloved, God’s grace and power reside in you in mutual support of a transformed life. As 1 Corinthians 10:13 assures, “No testing has overtaken you that is not common to everyone. God is faithful, and [God] will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing [God]will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it.” Allow the testing to strengthen you, to build your endurance, and to do a new thing in you and through you for the glory of God.

Words of Invitation
Faith communities around the Earth gather to observe World Communion Sunday. Some call it Holy Communion, others refer to it as the Great Thanksgiving (Eucharist) or Lord’s Supper. Some place elements on an altar. In the Protestant tradition, we approach the Table. Every language and tongue, every tribe and nation, every continent and hemisphere represented as the Body of Christ accepts the invitation to unity around a meal prepared by the One who entered a body, the human condition, and the brokenness of the world. Let us join together in the name of Jesus the Christ to commune as one.

One: God be with you.
Many: The Holy One is with us.
One: May our hardened hearts be softened.
Many: We lift them up to the Holy One with thanksgiving and in hopeful expectation.

Words of Thanksgiving
Gracious God, you are holy, and you make us holy. We declare glory and honor due to your precious name. Like generations before us and the heavenly chorus beyond us, we cry, Holy, holy, holy, God of power and might. All realms are filled with your glory. Redeem us, restore us, renew us. Blessed by your Holy Name.

Words of Remembrance
We join in remembrance of your incarnation. Your humble beginnings affirm that the strength of God is perfected in weakness. The years of obscurity left unrecorded and unknown to us remind us that good things benefit from preparation and patience. The record of your baptism reminds us of our own baptism as we entered the waters of life and community with you. Recalling your ministry encourages us to engage in the work of healing, teaching, and presence. Revisiting your passion challenges us to expand our capacity to love generously, sacrificially, and relentlessly.

Words of Institution
For it was the night of betrayal when Jesus enjoyed a meal with his community of faithful disciples. Imperfect people committed to follow his way encircled that table. The one who would deny him was at the table. The one who would betray him was at the table. Many who would flee in fear of the risk to their own lives sat at that table. All were welcomed. All were known. All were loved.

All were nourished as Jesus took the bread, gave thanks for it, and broke it. As he offered the bread to the gathered, he declared, “This is my body. Take and eat in remembrance of me.”

After supper, Jesus took the cup, gave thanks, and blessed it. As he offered the cup to the gathered, he declared, “This is the cup of the new covenant in my blood. Take and drink in remembrance of me.”

Ministering in the name of Jesus, we offer bread and cup as we proclaim Christ lived, Christ died, Christ rose, and Christ lives again.

Receive the gifts of God for the people of God.

Words of Prayer
Communal God, we give you thanks that as you shared in life and death, you lead us into the resurrected life. At this table, we acknowledge your abiding presence among us. You offered us bread and cup, which we receive in remembrance and expectation of your movement in human history. Form us as your faithful community and shape us as servants and stewards of your realm. By your Holy Spirit, may your covenant reign within our hearts and manifest in the witness of our lives now and forever. Amen.

Invitation to Generosity
When we consider the gifts of God, stewardship of our resources rises among them. The psalmist marveled, “What are humans that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them? Yet you have made them a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor. You have given them dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under their feet.” The Sovereign God has given us responsibility and care of our sibling, creation. May we respond to the call to glorify God by the work of our hands, the allocation of our resources, and the generosity of our hearts.

Prayer of Thanksgiving and Dedication
Holy One, we thank you for our abundance and the privilege to share in the flourishing of our community and the world. Bless these gifts and be glorified by our generosity and trust in your provision, sufficiency, and renewing power. Amen.

May the Holy One be an ever present companion and partner as you encounter the tests of life. May your softened heart break over the pains, pangs, and problems of the world.
May the strength of the Spirit fill you, the power of the Spirit embolden you, and the leading of the Spirit guide you as co-creators of the kindom of God…now and forever. Go in abundant hope, peace and love.

Hardness of Heart: Service Prayers for World Communion Sunday, the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost Year B was written by the Rev. Dr. Cheryl A. Lindsay who serves as Minister for Worship and Theology for the United Church of Christ.