After Pentecost 29C — November 20

November 20, 2022
Jeremiah 23:1-6
Call to Worship
One: God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Many: We gather to celebrate another day that God has kept us.
One: Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change.
Many: We gather to bear witness to all that God has done for us.
One: Come, behold the works of God!
Many: We gather to worship our God who loves and protects us.
Though many forces have scattered us in various ways, we invite you to bring us together within ourselves and all around us. Prepare our hearts, minds, and spirits, Gathering God, to be present and ready to receive exactly what we need from this time of worship. Amen.
Prayer of Transformation & Words of Grace
It’s so easy for us to get caught up in our human-made divisions. Whether survival instincts or capitalistic drive, we separate ourselves from those who don’t look, think, or act like us. We unintentionally allow our differences to stain the beauty of your diversity. Our many different households, family structures, belief systems, and various identities become tools of divisiveness rather than gifts of the divine.
<observe a brief stretch of silence>
Even when we cling to the things that unnecessarily separate us, God unscatters us. No matter who we are or what has brought us to this very moment, God chooses to love us back to wholeness, individually and communally. Hallelujah and amen!
Invitation to Generosity
Just as God spoke to those in Jeremiah’s day, we’re faced with an opportunity to participate in God’s restorative action in the world. Where others have scattered, God is gathering. Let us be empowered to share our gifts fruitfully and allow God to multiply them for the good of all.
Prayer of Dedication
We’re grateful for your invitation to move and give faithfully and abundantly, God. We ask that you would extend your blessings over these gifts that we now offer so that they can be multiplied in service to you and the missions of this congregation. May it be so!
May you experience God’s goodness in your coming, going, and staying. May you witness God’s activity in your work, play, and world at large. May you feel God’s presence in your life, relationships, and self. May you know God’s love now and forever more. Amen.
Gathered: Service Prayers for the Reign of Christ Sunday were written by The Rev. Phiwa Langeni is the Ambassador for Innovation & Engagement for the UCC’s CARDD, and the Founder and former Director of Salus Center in Lansing, MI.