After Pentecost 3A – June 18

Third Sunday after Pentecost
June 18, 2023
Matthew 9:35-10:8, (9-23)
Call To Worship
The Lord is in this Holy Temple, let all the children of God rejoice. We are called as family to hold up holy hands and praise the God of justice and liberation for all! Not some, but for all people regardless of where you are on life’s journey or who you are in the Kindom of God.
One: We are here to worship!
Many: Hallelujah!
One: We are here to lift up Holy hands!
Many: Hallelujah!
One: We are the Kindom of God!
All: Glory Hallelujah. Let us praise the name of the Lord!
Gracious and ever-present God, make each of us an instrument of your justice. Continue to weave us into a family, your Kindom, showing forth your power of healing, feeding, clothing and resurrection as evidenced through the life and ministry of your son Jesus the Christ. Bless us and our differences and sustain our courage to stand together in the face of oppression and injustice in this present world. We call on you today to gather us in your love. Impart to us the knowledge and understanding to better know you and glorify your grace on each and every step of the journey of our lives. In the name of Jesus, who came in the name of love, let us now commit to shout with the voice of triumph and proclaim the love and grace of God to all the world.
One: Let all the Kindom of God shout “Victory”
Many: Over Oppression!
One: Shout “Victory”
Many: Over Injustice!
One: Shout “Victory”
Many: Through Jesus the Christ
All: Amen and Amen
Prayer for Transformation and New Life
Righteous God, we find ourselves as your hands, legs, heart and spirit here in the earth. As your children, as were your disciples, we are called to manifest a Gospel of love, justice, reconciliation and healing in the present world. But our concern for a just and egalitarian world too often dissipates at the point of our discomfort. Forgive us for our humanity and our frailty as we dwell in your presence and seek transformation and new energy for the work of your ministry. Revive us again O Lord.
One: O Lord Revive…
Many: Our love for the Kindom!
One: O Lord Revive…
Many: Our yearning for justice!
One: O Lord Revive…
Many: Our desire for reconciliation!
One: O Lord Revive…
Many: Our need for healing!
All: Amen and Amen!
Words of Grace
Just as Jesus endowed his disciples, his family, with moments of rest and amazement, it is good for us, kinfolk, to bask in the glorious and loving presence of God. Fortunately, God does not condemn us when we too often choose to linger there rather than enter into difficult, tough, unfamiliar or even mundane places and spaces. But I’m so glad that with grace and compassion, the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit lifts, informs and propels us in the direction we should go to heal, deliver and resurrect.
One: Come Holy Spirit.
Many: Lift us!
One: Come Holy Spirit.
Many: Inform us!
One: Come Holy Spirit.
Many: Propel us!
One: Come Holy Spirit.
Many: Shower us with your Grace and Mercy!
All: Amen and Amen!
Invitation to Generosity
The Holy Spirit comes down to us as a gift of presence, compassion, and companionship. We honor and uphold the Kindom here on earth through our stewardship; as we are called to present our lives as a living testimony of the God who has created each one of us to be unique and minister to a world that needs what we have to offer in time, talent and treasure. Let us now uphold the glory of God by the giving of our gifts in the spirit of generosity.
One: We give…
Many: To meet the needs of the Kindom!
One: We give…
Many: Out of the generosity of our hearts!
One: We give…
Many: To further justice and peace in our world!
All: Amen and Amen.
Prayer of Dedication and Thanksgiving
Generous God, may these gifts glorify your spirit and meet the needs of your Kindom. In the name of Jesus the Christ, we pray. Amen.
May the glory of God transform you.
May the Holy Spirit revive you.
May you embrace difference as strength.
May you reach the high and low places.
May you spread the Good News of relationship.
May you be renewed and empowered to an ethic of inclusion, care, mutual support, solidarity, and unity that calls us to treat one another as family.
May thy Kindom come.
For the glory of God and the hope of the world.
Go in peace and Kinship to serve.
Pastoral Prayer for Pride Month
God, our Creator, Sustainer and Redeemer who lives in heaven, worthy is your name.
Your Kindom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive our sins as we forgive those who have sinned against us.
Do not let us fall into temptation and deliver us from evil.
For you have been Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Doctor, Lawyer, Confidant……Keeper.
For this unsurpassed love we give you the honor and the praise.
We do all in your love and that love has birthed a message of justice, equity, and inclusion in Jesus; a gospel that frees the oppressed, provides good news to the poor, and releases the captive; that heals, feeds, clothes, and even resurrects.
No matter our race, ethnicity, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation or ability we are called to pray, practice, and preach God’s Kindom come and God’s will be done.
God is love, God is Freedom, God is justice, God is equality….now and forever more. Amen.
Hymn Suggestions
- They Asked, “Who’s My Neighbor?”
The New Century Hymnal – Pilgrim Press
394, 395 – In Christ There is No East or West
The New Century Hymnal – Pilgrim Press
- God Made from One Blood
The New Century Hymnal – Pilgrim Press - Blessed Be the Tie That Binds
The New Century Hymnal – Pilgrim Press
Kindom: Service Prayers for the Third Sunday after Pentecost was written by Pastor Kevin Tindell, Pastor of Community Engagement, GATHER Church Chicago and Vice President of the Open and Affirming Coalition of the UCC.