After Pentecost 7A – July 16
July 16, 2023
“The Word”
Call to Worship
One: The Word is a lamp and a light. The word illuminates our life.
Many: We welcome The Word with praise and thanksgiving.
One: The Word comes from the mouth of God and accomplishes its purpose.
Many: We hear The Word that loves and embraces, challenges and convicts, renews and restores.
One: The Word is life, offers a future with hope, and creates peace in the midst of the storm.
Many: We receive The Word among us with rejoicing. We worship The Word in spirit and in truth!
Creator, your presence among us illuminates our lives. Make us fertile soil, receptive to the seeds planted by your word. Nourish us with Living Water and grow us through the energy of your empowered and healing rays of sunshine. Let us encounter you afresh as we gather in community. May our worship show our love for you and each other. Make your presence known to us and through us for your glory. Amen.
Prayer for Transformation and New Life
God our Redeemer, the words of our mouths often lead to hurt and harm. We tear down when we could build up. We speak of death and destruction when the power of life resides in our tongues. We say what is unnecessary and unhelpful while hesitating to offer encouragement and hope. Transform our speech as you write your word into our hearts. Stir us to speak life, joy, and love in all things. Amen.
Words of Grace
Romans 8:1 tells us, “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” God does not shame or condemnation; rather, the One who is holy makes us holy, restored, and whole. Receive the grace of God as it is freely given. Be empowered by the one who observes you and declares your good. Know that you are loved, forgiven, and transformed in Jesus Christ.
Invitation to Generosity
We submit that all things came into being through The Word. All our gifts, resources, and blessings come from the Generous God, our Creator. May we return a portion of these gifts in grateful generosity for the ministry of the kindom.
Prayer of Dedication and Thanksgiving
Holy One, we thank you for revealing yourself to us and through us with abundance and flourishing. Give us generous hearts. May our offerings offer a testimony honoring your provision and giving glory to your name. Receive these gifts and magnify them for the needs of your creation. Amen.
Let us go from this time of word and worship to word and witness. May the moments, movement, and ministry of our lives reveal the God we know and love to a world we know and love. May our voices echo the rhythm and message of good news to a world in need of encouragement, community, and hope. Go in peace…go as peace fortified and nurtured by The Word.
The Word: Service Prayers for the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost was written by The Rev. Dr. Cheryl A. Lindsay, Minister for Worship and Theology, United Church of Christ.