After Pentecost 9B – July 21
Sunday, July 21, 2024
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
Mark 6:30-34, 53-56| “Coming and Going”
Call to Worship (Inspired by Psalm 89)
One: Holy One is with us. God’s hand remains with us.
Many: God’s love is steadfast. God’s strength is enough. We can rest in God’s presence.
One: Holy Love keeps their covenant from generation to generation and establishes our future.
Many: God’s love is steadfast. God’s strength is enough. We can rest in God’s presence.
One: Let us worship God together and praise the Holy Name!
Many: God’s love is steadfast. God’s strength is enough. We can rest in God’s presence.
Wonderful Creator, you come to us with power and gentleness, strength and compassion, peace and joy. We come to you with hope and hopelessness, love and heartbreak, thanksgiving and lament. You fortify us as we go on our journey, assured of your presence and renewed by your love. Give us rest in our coming and our going. Give us joy in ministering in your name. May our worship restore our soul as we dwell in your presence. Amen.
Prayer for Transformation and New Life
Holy God, we confess that our lives keep us consumed more with doing than with being. We trust in the chariots and horses of our times–our tools, our schemes, our positions. We acknowledge that you call us to rest in your truth, your love, and your peace without abdicating our responsibility to embody your good news in the world. We struggle to balance the rhythms of rest and renewal in our lives and seek your guidance and direction toward a life where you are our peace, our hope, and our standard. Guide us on this path, we pray. Amen.
Words of Grace
Beloved, you do not journey alone. In community with the Holy One and one another, we find grace and strength to heed the call to discipleship. In Christ, we carry the good news and reflect a God who is near to us, faithful to redeem, and affirms our rest and renewal.
Invitation to Generosity
A faithful life reflects a spirit of generosity born from trusting God who provides and replenishes our resources. God’s creation is abundant so that all needs will be met when we share the gifts we have been given. Let our giving reflect our gratitude and commitment to beloved community.
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Dedication
Generous God, we give these gifts to you through this faith community. May you lead and guide us with discernment so that our ministry would give you glory, honor your name, and benefit your creation. Amen.
In your coming and going, may you encounter Jesus on the journey.
In your coming and going, may you touch the source of power and healing.
In your coming and going, may you find rest.
Come and go in peace.
Coming and Going: Service Prayers for the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost Year B was written by the Rev. Dr. Cheryl A. Lindsay who serves as Minister for Worship and Theology for the United Church of Christ.