After Pentecost C — August 21, 2022

The Third Sunday after Pentecost | Year C
August 21, 2022
“To Build and to Plant”
Call to Worship
One: Our God knows us intimately.
Many: God, you knew us before we knew us before we knew ourselves.
One: Our God is holy.
Many: Holy God, you consecrate us.
One: Our God will reassure.
Many: Holy God, you will give us words to speak.
Mothering God, we rejoice that you placed us in the womb and called us forth. You called us forth to build and to plant. Give us the blueprint as we build and bless our hands as we plant. We rejoice in knowing that our steps are guided by you, and you are reliable. We delight ourselves in your presence and give thanks as you deliver us from fear and let your love have its way in us. Embolden us to speak your truth to power and let the power of your truth always be evident in us. Amen.
Prayer for Transformation and New Life
Transforming God, too often we have been afraid to speak out against the injustices of this world. We have worshipped in ways that made us feel good rather than honor you in our words and deed. Show us the path to faithful living. Show us how to build beloved and just communities. Teach us how to do your work in this world. Empower us to plant seeds of love, faith, and hope. May we bloom where we have been planted to your glory.
Words of Grace
The Mystery we name God, leads us into all truth. Feel the gentle nudges without and within, helping us to course correct. Life in the Spirit is not static, and neither are we. Let the grace of God help us to build that which last and plant what nourishes.
Invitation to Generosity
The Divine source is the one from whom all blessings flow. We have an eternal invitation to bring our resources to God’s house to use for the building of kindom and as seed that there might be a continual harvest. These acts reflect the God who knows us and the God who calls us.
Prayer of Dedication and Thanksgiving
Fount of Every Blessing, receive these gifts in the joy in which we bring them. May they bless your church universally, our community and our world. May none suffer lack and may we always give from generous hearts. May we always take joy in being blessed to give and to share with you and each other. Amen.
As you depart from this sacred space, do so fearlessly for God’s word is in you. Go and build beloved community wherever you roam and plant seeds of love, faith, and hope. Amen
To Build and to Plant: Service Prayers for the Third Sunday after Pentecost were written by Rev. Teña T. Nock-Hope, Associate Pastor of Digital Ministry, First United Church of Tampa, United Church of Christ.