Ash Wednesday Year A — February 22

Ash Wednesday
February 22, 2023
“Rend Our Heart”
Call to Worship (inspired by Psalm 51:1-17)
One: .Have mercy upon us, O Holy One, according to your unfailing love.
Many: Refresh and renew us in your righteousness.
One: Have mercy upon us, O Holy One, according to your unfailing love.
Many: .Rend our hearts to the brokenness around us.
One: Have mercy upon us, O Holy One, according to your unfailing love.
Many: Revive us again with a new and right spirit.
God of Justice, we gather together in your name. Our hearts yearn to be touched and moved. Our spirits rise in anticipation of your convicting word. Open our mouths to declare your praise. Open our minds to consider your ways. Open our community to participate in your kindom.. Amen.
Prayer for Transformation and New Life
Merciful One, we confess our need of you. Our shortcomings confront us, and our disconnection from you and our neighbor diminishes us. We even cause harm to ourselves by living outside of your hope for us. Draw us near to your heart that we might be renewed and redeemed. Amen.
Words of Grace
Allow the gift of grace to propel you to new life and liberate you from the bondage of condemnation, guilt, and shame. Receive the grace offered to you from Jesus Christ, who entered into our condition, who draws near to us, and who embodies compassion toward humanity.
Invitation to Generosity
Matthew 6:19-21 tells us, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Prayer of Dedication and Thanksgiving
Loving God, let our hearts reflect your generosity. Let our treasures be used for your glory and given with cheerful hearts.
Go out into the world with your whole rended heart
Committed to the kindom
Hopeful for healing
Resolved for repair
New life in Christ awaits
The kindom comes
Rend Our Hearts: Service Prayers for Ash Wednesday was written by The Rev. Dr. Cheryl A. Lindsay, Minister for Worship and Theology, United Church of Christ.